"Take away." You responded without even giving it a thought.

"Why?" He whined.

"Because I don't want to have a run in with one of your many women." You joked.

"It would be interesting if you did though..." He chuckled. "...oh look Tekado is at the counter."

"It's Tadako." You corrected, ignoring his first comment.

It was finally you guys' turn to order.

"You order first sweetheart." Gojo said with a smirk.

'Sweetheart?' You thought.

"Good morning [Y/n], will you be having the usual." Tadako asked with a bright smile.

"Good morning, yes please." You replied returning the smile.

'I don't like this guy.' Gojo thought staring at the both of you.

"And for the sir?" He asked looking at Gojo with a not so bright smile.

"Just bottled water." He said.

Your orders didn't take long and soon you guys left the cafe.


"Why'd you just order water." You asked Gojo while walking.

"Your acquaintance looked like he would spit in my drink." He said taking the bottle out of the bag and inspecting the top.

You couldn't help but laugh at him.

"So even the strongest sorcerer has fears." You teased.

He ignored you and placed the bottle back in the bag, after he was sure that the cap was still sealed.

"So Miss 'short skirt-chan', what are your plans for the rest of the day?" He asked moving closer to you.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n] and aren't you tired of calling me that?" You asked, ignoring his question.

"Aren't you tired of always correcting me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Sigh...forget it." You said.

"I think that it's a cute nickname for you." He said.

"It's not cute, it sounds like I work at a red light district." You pointed out.

*A red light district is an area that has a high concentration of prostitution and sex-oriented businesses.*

"No it doesn't, you just have a dirty mind." He said sticking out his tongue.

"No I don't, you're the one wh-"

*Ring, ring*

Gojo stopped and took out his phone to looked at the caller ID.

"Hold on Miss 'short skirt-chan', I have to take this." He said before answering.

"It's Miss [L/n][F/n]." You corrected.

You tried to continue walking but he held your hand, signaling you to wait for him.

"Oh hello there, I'm sorry I forgot..." You heard him say in a flirtatious tone.

'Probably one of his lady friends.' You thought as you stood waiting for him.

You began to look around the neighborhood.

'Wow I never noticed how empty and quiet it is.' You thought.

"There are so many places that someone can hide and watch someone else from a distance." You said to yourself.

Gojo tapped you on the shoulder and it startled you.

Be a Good Girl [Gojo Satoru x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now