"Movies only twenty minutes in, but I can restart it if you want?" She says as she reaches the top of the stairs and letting go of my hand, her gaze looking at me over her shoulder.

"Nah, I've seen it before I don't mind."

"Okay," she whispers.

Her queen size bed has blue bedding with black cushions pushed up to the headboard, on the side a teal lamp is dimly lit and sitting on her black dresser on the side of the room is a TV with the movie playing in the background. Kicking off my sneakers I lay down on my back on the right side, resting my head on the head board and I look on at her confused as she climbs towards me, her head resting on my thigh and her body laying long ways off the side of the bed. I wanted to cuddle up next to her, spoon her, but then my dick twitches when I see how close she is to it.

Myself and Nic have always been about pleasuring women first, it has never bothered us if we didn't get something out of it because a women screaming out in complete euphoria was always enough for us. Ryan has never touched us and to be honest we're both happy with how things are right now between us. I'd happily spend my whole day buried between her legs, hearing and seeing the pleasure take over and I know Nic feels the same. When she's ready she'll tell us. We want to go slow with Ryan - at her own pace. We won't force her to do something she's never done before and honestly I won't lie when I say I haven't thought about her pleasuring me because I have. But she will only do it when she's ready.

We watch the movie in silence, her legs shifted round towards my torso, but her head still lays dangerously close to my southern region. I waste no time to start drawing patterns on the skin of her thigh, caressing her skin that I loved feeling under my fingers. Her skin is always so soft, so smooth and I just love touching her.
   As soon as my hand swiped on her skin her body reacted to my touch, goosebumps forming along her skin and I definitely noticed her taking a shaky breath, still looking at the screen. When the credits start to roll I watch her amusingly as she shifts off the bed to take the dvd out of the player, she's so obviously affected by me being near her and I can't help but smirk because I'm the same.

"Another one?" She squeaks, holding up Scream 2 in her hands.

"Sure," I shrug, my smirk still plastered on my face. She changes the movie, pressing play and setting the remote down on the side. When she goes to reposition herself where she was before I grab her and cuddle her into my side, half her body laying on mine. "This is more comfortable," I smile and she smiles back.

"But I was comfy down there before," she says with a little tease to her voice, "plus I can't see the TV."

"I know, but I want to cuddle," I wink.

"Okay," she whispers out and I wrap my arms around her tighter, her face naturally falling into the crook of my neck. My mind is telling me to kiss her, bring her lips to mine, only, I want Ryan to make the first move. To kiss me first because she wanted to. I've seen her ooze with confidence these past weeks, but she's still that shy, innocent girl inside. "Ummm... Nate?"

"Yes beautiful?"

"Why... why haven't you...?"

"Haven't what?" I smirk, knowing full well what's on her mind.

"Kissed me? Why haven't you kissed me yet?" She whispers.

"Do you want me to kiss you?"

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