12. Some Wounds Don't Heal

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ELTON WAS SHAKING. HIS newly red eyes darted around like a crazed animal. He didn't everything in his power to keep Magnolia from touching him, but he never ran. "Maggie, d-don't touch me," He stammered. "I might hurt you."

Magnolia quickly shook her head. "You can't. You won't," She lit a small blue flame in her hand to show him.

Elton's eyes widened, suddenly entranced by the small fire. "H-How?" He choked out.

"There's no time to explain now," She looked around at the fight that continued around them. "You need to go."

"Go where?" Elton slowly leaned forward.

Once again, Magnolia looked around. Her eyes met Carlisle's and he nodded. "Go to the Cullen's house and wait there until we get back. Under no circumstances do you leave. Okay?" She didn't want to leave him, in fact, she would've been fine upright leaving the fight to stay with him, but she knew that she was needed.

Slowly, Elton nodded. Satisfied, Magnolia stood and extended her hand towards him. Elton stared at it for a few seconds before accepting it and standing up. He was still shaking violently. "Will you be okay?"

Magnolia couldn't help her smile. Even when he was terrified he still cared about her. "Yes, I'm okay. Now go. I'll see you soon." She dropped his hand and as she watched him go, her stomach clenched.

"Magnolia!" Her father called out to her. He ran to her side, looking concerned and scared. "Was that Elton?" She nodded. "Holy shit," He ran a hand down his face. "Poor boy."

"I sent him to the Cullen house. I didn't want him caught in this." She explained.

"Good," Timothy nodded. He sighed shakily. "We should get back out there. They need us."

And so they did. Nodding, Magnolia followed her father back into the fight. She noticed Jacob had returned, so she hoped that Bella was safe. The fight continued as normal and the number of newborns was quickly dropping, but it wasn't over yet. Magnolia was rushing, wanting it to be over as soon as possible — Elton was counting on her. But rushing made her sloppy. Her mother would bark a few warnings at the sudden close calls. "Be careful, sweetheart!"

Magnolia brushed her off. In her opinion, she was doing fine. Newborns dropped left and right, she was unstoppable. Until she wasn't. Cockiness had no place on a battlefield. Arm extended, she moved to shoot a flame but a sudden pain in her arm caused her to yell out. She was flipped over and slammed to the ground. A rabid Newborn stood over her. He moved to tear her arm but she moved just in time, rolling in the damp grass and shooting a flame.

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