02. Victoria

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

CROUCHED DOWN BESIDE PAUL, Magnolia waited for signs of the chase. She couldn't hear the Cullen's approaching yet, but she knew it would be soon. Paul, in his wolf form, huffed, clearly getting impatient. Sam turned and gave him a stern stare, shutting him up. "Any second now," She mumbled to mostly herself, but also to reassure Paul. "Soon."

There was the crack of a branch and as if time slowed down, Magnolia could see the Cullen's clearly approaching, with the bright red streak of Victoria just out of their grasp. She made a jump and was now on the Quileute side. Paul glanced quickly at Magnolia, signalling it was time. Adrenaline rushed through her as in one fluid motion, she grabbed hold of Paul's fur and pulled herself up, planting her feet on his back as he ran top speed.

She used to hate speed, but running with the wolves was something entirely different — she felt free, limitless. Her hair was tied up, allowing herself a clear view of the scarlet vampire up ahead. "Get me closer, Paul," She whispered to the wolf carrying her. He huffed, conveying a yes. Her knees were crouched as one hand gripped the scruff of Paul's neck while she held the other out in front of her. Within her palm, a bright blue flame was building, larger than any she had been able to conjure before.

A snap from the trees above her signalled that her father was keeping up on the high ground. Paul had now made it to nearly the front of the pack, running behind to Sam. It was the perfect spot. As the flame raged in her hand, Magnolia aimed carefully for Victoria. She was a moving target, a new challenge for the young sorceress. She took a steady breath and released the ball of fire, its blue sparks flying through the trees. If it aimed true, Victoria would be left as nothing but a pile of ash, washed away by the river.

But alas, it was not meant to be. Magnolia cursed as the fire narrowly missed Victoria and instead hit a tree to the left of her. The vampire then chose to hop back over to the Cullen side. "They got this," Magnolia mumbled. "You got this." She knew they all heard her — she wanted them to. The safety of Bella and the safety of all the humans was the most important thing to her.

She watched as Victoria jumped through the trees, Jasper just barely missing her. She found herself concerned as the male vampire slammed into the ground, though she knew it wouldn't hurt him in the slightest. Jasper faltered as he felt the girl's emotions. For some reason, hers were always the strongest, he wouldn't even be using his powers to know how Magnolia was feeling. Was it some kind of torture? Some form as punishment for hurting her?

Emmett was now leading the coven, making up the distance Victoria had made between them. He was determined, eyes never leaving her. Victoria jumped back to the wolves and Emmett didn't slow. "Emmett, no!" She heard Esme call.

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