10. The High Council

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN we're leaving?" Magnolia stared at her father in disbelief. "We can't leave! There's a newborn army coming in three days, dad! Three days!"

Timothy pinched the bridge of his nose. "No need to shout, I understand," He sighed. "We will be back in time for the fight, it's just a quick trip."

"To London?" Magnolia scoffed. "What is in London that's so important?" She shook her head, beginning to pace around the living room. "What if Elton comes back and we're not here? What if Alice's vision changes and the army comes sooner? What if-"

"Enough!" Timothy shouted, causing Magnolia to jump. "This isn't up for debate. We've been summoned."

Magnolia paused. "Summoned? By who?"

Timothy sighed and shook his head lightly. "The High Council," He was angry, furious — the bottle in his hand now a crumbled piece of plastic. "It was going to happen sooner or later but the timing is..."

"Ironic?" Magnolia offered.

"Yes," Timothy nodded. "Ironic. And Grammy will be coming, as well. I'm sure she'll have lots to tell," He spat angrily. With his arms crossed he stood up. "Go pack. I don't want to hear any more complaining."

Magnolia stared at him for a moment before doing what she was told. She didn't complain or argue, but she sure made a show that she wasn't happy with this.

  The flight was nine and a half hours to London and back. "Even if we make it back in time we'll be too goddamn jet-lagged to fight," Magnolia grumbled next to her mother on the plane.

Ariana wanted to scold her but she knew she was right, but there was nothing any of them could do about being summoned by the High Council — if they didn't agree to comply, they would have been hunted down and taken in against their will — a nine-hour flight was a compromise. "We have to do this, sweetie. It was bound to happen soon. Young sorceress' and sorcerers meet the High Council once they turn eighteen."

"What is this? A cult?" Magnolia laughed in annoyance. She crossed her arms and turned to look out the small window, the sunlight causing her to squint. She sat like that for the rest of the flight.

The walk to the cab was tense. Her grandmother walked ahead of them, her body rigid and head held high. Her father sulked behind the group. He was forced to sit with his mother for the flight and clearly it was not an enjoyable experience. Magnolia hung back until she was walking next to him. "Are you okay?" She whispered.

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