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[requested by once again: TzuyuLovesGucci and all their gay glory <3]

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[requested by once again: TzuyuLovesGucci and all their gay glory <3]

[okay, alright, what an original title woohoo so original haha shut up i like the song.]

[i kissed a girl]

To say that Shin Yuna had a little too much to drink, was an understatement. 

The girl was wasted, and well, so was everyone else. 

Ryujin and Lia had snuck off somewhere, most likely to make out. And Yeji was still lying on the couch after Lia dared her to down two bottles of soju from the fridge, most likely in a daze and off to wonderland.

It wasn't like Yuna minded though, she needed to have the extra buzz for what she was planning. 

See, she's been having weird thoughts lately. Thoughts that... involved a girl that may or may not be her bandmate.

She kept thinking about her lips, and what they would taste like. It may be just the alcohol talking, but she would really like to try and kiss said bandmate.

Just the look of the brunette's lips drove Yuna wild. They looked so soft, and extremely enticing. 

So Yuna just kinda stood in the middle of the dorm's living room with her drunk bandmates. She waltzed as sexually as her alcohol-induced body would let her, all the way in front of the girl she was after.

"Well well, if it isn't HusSEyYY," The chocolate eyed teen spoke, her lips twitching up in amusement, "what brings you around here?"

Yuna giggled and wrapped her arms around the shorter girl's neck, "I came over so you wouldn't be looooonely," She slurred, a dopey smile plastered on her face, "plus I missed you Chaery, this party wasn't fun until you came along!"

"Technically, you came over to me," Chaeryeong said, sighing, "now that I'm right here, you can stop hanging off of me."

Yuna made no move to get off, so Chaeryeong just accepted her fate. 

She wrapped her arms around the younger's waist and blushed a little. Yuna giggled, but stopped immediately once she saw Chaeryeong's lips. 

God those lips looked good. Like, so good.

Chaeryeong was a little put off by the look Yuna was giving her.

"Is there something on my face?" Chaeryeong asked, feeling a little annoyed.

"Nah," Yuna answered and shook her head, then looked back up with her pretty puppy eyes, "I'm just curious what your... your lips taste like."

Chaeryeong choked on her spit and gave Yuna a weird look. She knew the black haired girl was bold, but how could anyone be that bold? It must be the alcohol. 

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