Not long after I finished packing I lay on my bed to listen to a record I had received through the post as a late birthday present from my brother that was studying in Leeds University. It was a personal vinyl that he had picked out loads of my favourite songs. Me and my brother rarely spoke however it was appreciated that he had taken the time to make this for my birthday. I was tapping my fingers on my stomach taking in the song as I heard my phone vibrate.

Do you miss me enough for me to come over yet I read and a smile instantly formed on my face. Lizzie couldn't last a couple of hours by herself. 

Hm, not really ;) I replied

Well that's not the answer I expected, I am outside your building come let me in before I freeze to death! With that message I got off my bed and grabbed my room key on my way out. 

I walk down to the main door to see Lizzie dressed in her comfier clothes with a her little overnight bag with her. 

'is madam staying?' I questioned the bag. 

'Yes, I've invited myself over' She smirked and I shook my head as I took the bag off her shoulder and placed it on mine. We made our way back to my flat. We dropped Lizzie's bag off in my room and I got changed into a similar outfit as Lizzie before we went into the kitchen. 

'I have plans for us all!' Lizzie announced as she made her way to the living room where the rest of my flat were slumped in their chairs watching the TV. They all looked up excited at the idea of plans. 

'Me and Ing are hosting fake Christmas this Saturday!' She exclaimed and the other's faces lit up. 

'We are thinking a day of movies  and then me and Lizzie will cook a Christmas dinner for all of us and Lizzie's flat to have together here' I smiled and the others looked eager at the idea. 

'I think us five should do secret Santa' Fern suggested

'Can we make it jokey though' Naomi pitched in, Gerry was already ripping paper into small pieces writing everyone's name down on the little pieces before folding them and putting them into the middle of the table. Everyone took a name from the table of who they needed to buy for. I got Naomi which I was happy with as I was closest to her in the flat. I hid it in my pocket before sitting down with the others watching the rubbish they were watching on the TV. 

The next day, I woke up to have received an email explaining that my lecture had been cancelled due to my lecturer on strike. I was careful enough not to wake Lizzie up when reading through my emails to be scared by her phone alarm going off. I reached from the edge of the bed turning the alarm off. Lizzie woke up and I explained we now had no lecture which resulted in Lizzie falling back asleep into my side for a couple of more hours as I went through my university app to see what work needed to be done. 

'Oh I forgot to tell you last night, I need you to be my plus one' Lizzie mumbled as she woke up for the second time.

'Plus one to what?' I questioned as I knew this week was going to be a busy one. 

'Wednesday Night, I have got the drama society Christmas party and I got us tickets to both go' She became more awake the more she had woken up. 

'Is it really formal?' I asked not really wanting to go to a dressy event

'Sit down meal and then the fun people are going into town after' The sit down meal part was not what I wanted to hear but I agreed to go to satisfy my girlfriend. 

'So what are our plans for today?' Lizzie asked as all of our lectures had been cancelled.

'How about we go get some stuff for our Christmas' I suggested now knowing we were both going to be busy this week. 

College Days [Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now