🥀 Depressed Mitsuba x protective Kou 💖

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A/N- request from @get_booped I'm not the greatest at angst and therefore i cant make it make much sense this may have a little fluff cause i live for that sh*t úwù anyway enjoy also sorry if it's not what you expected lmao
[Kou pov]
I was bored out of my mind so I decided to text Mitsuba, he's had some trouble with mental health when we were younger so I texted him constantly to help him find an outlet (they are all ready dating cuz I'm bored of writing confessions) i tried my best to always give him attention because he needed it.

📷 💖 Camera geek 💖 📷

Hey Mitsu!


Whats wrong??


Please you know you can tell me i love you so much <3 <3

Look i love you too but i just don't want to tell you ok?

Mhm...but i want to make sure your safe and alright
Please tell me you wont hurt yourself ?
<3 <3


That entire convo was off Mitsuba wasn't rude or cocky he seemed kinda sad as I contemplated going to his house to see if he was alright

~Time skip brought by anxious Kou~

After i had contemplated for a few minutes I decided to grab my bike and head to his place

"Bye Teru-nii, Bye Tiara!!" I yelled as i left

"wait where are you going??" Teru said

"Just to Mitsuba's!" I stated

"Oh ok!" He said i left hopped on my bike and sped over to Mitsuba's house

~Another time skip lmao~

As soon as i was at his house i threw my bike onto the ground and ran up the stairs as fast as i could, out of breath i knocked on the door only to be answered by a petit lady who looked to be Mitsuba's mother

"hello miss...is Mitsuba there?" I asked her kindly "no why?" She said looking confused

"he said he was going to school" she said as soon as she said that i knew something was severely wrong

"o-oh thank you ill be going now!" I said before i began walking away

"good bye!" She said as i was walking off I grabbed my bike and I started overthinking things like why would he be at school?? Or did he hurt himself again? Over and over before i realized it i was at the school.

I carelessly thew my bike (again) and began sprinting around the hallways in a desperate act to find him

I checked the roof twice and each floor over and over but couldn't find him, i almost gave up until i had heard sobbing in one of the classrooms, Mitsuba?!? "Hey!! Hey Mitsuba!.." i said bursting through the door he was standing on the window sill he was silent he turned around his eyes were red and puffy his arms were holding the wall i saw his wrists. they in very poorly wrapped bandages and i sat there frozen

"Mitsu..." was all i could mutter without noticing i began crying. "What happened what made you do this??" I said frantically trying to get an answer nothing he said nothing he jumped down and hugged my chest and began crying (ok he's pretty soft rn idrek) uncontrollably i let it happen I rubbed his back trying to soothe him.

I remembered something from somewhere that if you breath at the same pace as someone the other person will calm down
(its actually for anxiety and panic attacks but eh i though it would work) so tried that and it surprisingly worked, his breathing calmed i pushed away from the hug to kiss his forehead

(Ok hella cringe coming up)

"i love you...are you willing to talk about why you did this now?" I said quietly

"Mhm" he said while nodding

"ok then...what happened?" I said softly

"Bullies...the normal" he said

"What???? No mitsu, that shouldn't be the 'normal' thats f*cked up you don't deserve that!" I burst out

He seemed kinda shocked by my outburst

"tomorrow just tell me before you do something like this i can help I promise and i swear if they try to beat you up again istg-" i said before kissed every inch of his face

"Just i want you to know i love you"
A/N- Hi I hope you enjoyed!

as I said still not the greatest- the 'protective kou' part doesn't exactly make all that much sense so oof

i had a good idea to make you guys (and myself) cry (i was actually sad while writing it lmfao) while i was making this but it strayed away from the request so I didn't use it -3-

anyway i had zero clue how to end this one once again lmao

But thats it have a good day/night/afternoon go eat something and drink something as well. Ily 💖

Not me writing this at 12:31- ówò
Ok I'm editing this at 11:23-

Its also completely Kou's pov lmaooo
Edit: ok so um i ended up proof read ing and finding multiple mistakes they are all fixed now ;-;

(Includes authors notes)

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