☕️Café/School au📚

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A/N- Hi! This is another request from:
Thank you!!
(I came up with this on the fly lmao
Also Kou and Mitsuba are in college
Kou is 22 Mitsuba is 20 cause why not lol)
This was so so much fun to write please tell me if you guys want a part two!
[Kou pov]
Man im bored... i thought to my self while tapping my nails on the costumer counter, spacing out. 

What time is it?...
8:45 ughhh... i groaned audibly almost a little too loud,
A few of the costumers looked over at me confused.
I was working at this new cafe i had  been studying at for 2 years
Pretty much every single day there was a Karen that would come by. (Because yes lol) and i mean Every. Single. Day it was laughable, really. I always got a good kick out of it as i would drive back to my dorm.

"Hey!....Hey Kou?" I heard a voice ring me out of my thoughts, it was one of my co-workers, Yashiro senpai who was behind me, she was waving her hand in-front of my face i turned around clearly shook.

"o-oh!" I blurted out
"Daydreaming, again?"she said trying to talk to me. "Or did you just get no sleep?" She said, chuckling quietly.
"Yeah...sorry" i said, as I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment

"Don't be sorry i know school is difficult to balance with work...i could say the same myself, heh" she said reassuringly as a way of not making me feel embarrassed for almost falling asleep at work.
"you can head back home now Kou" she smiled "ill take over for you" she mentioned before stepping away. 

"oh!... aren't you getting a new dorm mate soon?" She said turning around to face me
"Oh yeah thats first thing
tomorrow!"  I said grabbing my stuff. It was about 10:00 by the time i was at the door, "bye Yashiro!" I said, running out the door to get to my car. "Bye!" I heard her say faintly, as I hopped in my car the drive back was eh, pretty normal. the way i was driving had a load of drunk drivers all the time so there was a few police cars there (lol why did I describe that)

I drove back to my dorm in pure darkness ready to just, sleep. I haven't caught up on my sleep in months, it was hell, to put it lightly.

As i was walking back to my dorm every step felt like an eternity my body was so tired and worn out i could barely keep my eyes open.

Although i was able to get into my room, right before I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep...
A/N -Thank you so much for reading!

Part 2?

Have a good day/night and go eat some food and drink some water!!

💖 Mitsuba 💖 out!!

-502 words (including author notes)

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