☕️ School/Cafe au pt.7 📚

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um it might not be the greatest heh. i haven't been in the mood to write recently but i hope to be updating regularly soon enough, I know I've been on multiple hiatuses for like 2-3 days but eh. with all that aside,
enjoy 💖 úwù

[Mitsuba pov]

"Lame earring I'm boreddddd" I said dragging out my words just to be annoying to the blonde boy beside me "What Mitsubaaaa" Kou said in a jokingly mocking tone "Ugh whatever you big meanie" I insulted "Oh wow im so offended!" He teased he then began chuckling,
We were still sitting on the couch both of us were equally as bored, as there was nothing to do on a Saturday we didn't have any work to do in terms of school, Kou didn't have to go to work today anyway,

so we were sat there on the soft grey sofa in front of the fast rolling credits on the TV

"hey Mitsuba?" Kou had a questioned look on his face

"what do you want?" I replied harshly

"well... i guess it doesn't matter then :)" he continued to refute my rude remarks

"ughh fine what is it lame earring?" I said in a very calm manner

"um i was thinking of maybe going to the arcade or something?" He said

"is this a date or something??? ew..." I said right before sticking my tongue out at him

"Mitsuba nooo not that you big doofus! Y'know as friends.." he ended up muttering the last few words as he spoke

"ugh i guess i will.." i mean i didn't mind if it was a date but eh I expected as much
i picked myself off the couch and took my sweet time walking back to my room

"be out in a sec!" I said to Kou, then i shut my door to throw my blanket on to the bed and get dressed in a pink sweater and my middle school (highschool?) scarf i took in a deep deep breath and braced for my heart to possibly be crushed like the countless times we had went to the arcade before, *beep! beep!* went my phone that i had left on my nightstand, it was the daikon herself it was her old number I questioned why i had her number still in my phone

✨ Daikon-Senpai ✨

Hey mitsuba! I forgot i had your number haha

Lol what do you want daikon?

just wanted to know how your day is with Kou?
also he texted me saying that you guys are going to the arcade cool!

Not great so far tbh -3-


Eh idek
I mean we are going to the arcade but alot of bad stuff happens there every time we go together
Plus I wanted to know if he had a girlfriend maybe? Idk

Um i want to say something but i dont want to hurt you
'Cause i know you still like him~

I DO NOT isiraitzitxursgzifdchxhdjfhdudjc no i don't why would i like that lame traffic safety earring?

Eh? You totally do
anyway give him the benefit of the doubt if she's there
don't cut yourself off from him again alr?
You can come to me and vent anytime if you need to
Bye Mitsuba!

Bye daikon...

Ugh that daikon is so annoying
Although i admit i was quite hurt by the fact Kou is probably straight

"You coming out soon Mitsuba?" He shouted from the other room

"Yep! Coming" My voice wavered slightly

Welp there goes my chances... as if i had any...
A/N - well? How'd you like it? I tried changing up my writing style it probably wasn't great but i hoped you liked the newest chapter!

anyway have a great day/afternoon/night go eat food, drink some water and take care of yourselves and i love each and every one of you and a big thank you for reading so far

and thank you for the requests for me to keep updating, the fact that people read this gives me so much happiness and motivation to write more


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