💗 MitsuKou - Love 💗 (fluff)

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A/N- lmao chapters go brrrrrr this will not be the greatest, also I'm not great at understanding honourifics so if im doing anything wrong i would really appreciate it if you guys would help thank you!  Anyway Hanako is dead in this chapter, and Mitsuba survived the  accident.
     Enjoy!! 💖

[Mitsuba pov]
I was on my couch with my mom watching tv, my phone buzzed constantly. until i got so fed up with the constant beeps i picked it up

"I stg if this isn't something important-" i huffed angrily

Oh its Kou! Why am i so excited?? He's just a lame earring boi (lmfao what is this?? This is so cringe I'm sorry)

"Mitsu?...why are you staring at your phone" My mother stated as she waved her hand in front of my face

"Sorry mom!" I responded

"Are you texting that blonde boy with the 'traffic safety earring'? You always have that smile on your face when your texting him" my mom said with the biggest smirk on her face

I was smiling- oh god

"Eh?!? N-NO OF COURSE NOT!!" I was immediately flustered

"Mhm" she said in agreement

I stuck my tongue out at her

She rolled her eyes back at me

My mom and i have this running joke to insult each other whenever we can, Its the way we bond.

"Speaking of him dont you have a crush on him??" She said while elbowing my arm

"W-WHAT OH HECK NAH-" i cut my self off

"Nahhhh you totally do~ anyway I support you Mitsu!" She said while smiling passionately

"I do not!" I boasted while trying to hide the fact I'm a flustered gay panicking mess.

i do like him
I accepted that 4 months ago

Im glad that she supports me, Shes never forced me to date a certain gender and i found that really amazing of her.

~Time skip to Friday the next week brought by no motivation today to write (*⁰⁰*)~

I was at the front gate to the school slumping against the wall waiting for Kou to magically appear out of nowhere

Soon i saw him walk up to school towards me...then i saw her...the girl who Kou wouldn't stop talking about, daikon legs, honestly way cuter then me i would never admit it though, i just couldn't compare to Kou's crush. It hurt seeing him like someone else but i was happy for him. even if it meant discarding my feelings.

it still hurts I'm happy for him, i love him and i want to see him at his happiest.

"Hey Mitsu!" His toothy smile made me melt

"Hey..." I said kinda bummed out as i looked down, not willing to make eye contact with the shorter Minamoto boy. (In regards to Teru, Kou is shorter than him idek)

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