Five || Feelings

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Jake's POV

I hade been sent to go get Nico,I went up to the guest room,Where the guys said he was at. I open the door and see Anna. She sitting on the bed while Nico is sitting on a seat,as soon as I enter the room Nico stands up and looks at me. I'm so confused,right now but also furious. What the fuck was Anna doing in A mafia persons house.

"Why is Anna here?!" I ask Nico.

He then tells me the boss wanted her. I'm confused right now as hell. Why would the boss want Anna?

Anna then starts talking about our one night stand and Nico looks shocked to hear that.
"You guys fucked?!" He asks.
Anna says yea. As soon as she said that he drags me out the room.
"So you guys actually fucked,Jake?!" He asks me.
"It was a one night stand,I didn't think I'll see her again,considering she left the room we were in before I even woke up." I explain to him.
"Dude,Bad news then." He says
"What?" I ask
"The boss asked Axel to kidnap her and he did,and when she woke up and went downstairs she shot Axel in the arm. It was low key hot tho,no one noticed she grabbed one of the guards gun." He says while shaking his head.

"Damn,feel bad for Axel." I say as I scratch my head.
"That's not even the worst part. Jake,Ashton wants Anna to himself." Nico says while looking sorta concerned for me.

"Damnit!" I say as I punch the wall.
"We can't do anything about it,You just have to forget Anna,if you ever had feelings for her." Nico says while patting my back.
"I guess so." I say as I let out a sigh and head downstairs.

Anna's POV

I got bored after they left I had a tv in my room and watched some Netflix shows. After watching a movie I went to my bathroom,and took a bath,As I'm in the bath, I hear someone opening the door.

"What the fuck,ever heard of knocking?!" I yell,as I realize it's the guy I had shot,I forgot his name to be honest.

"You bitch why'd,you even shoot my arm!?" He asks as he sits on the edge of the bath and glares at me.

"You better not try to drown me you bitch." I say as I lock eyes with him.

"If I could I would sweetheart." He says. And I roll my eyes.

"Mind getting out,I'm busy right now." I say with a fake smile.

"You'll pay for shooting me bitch."
He says before leaving the bathroom.

After he left I relaxed myself again and after a few minutes I got out and changed into some shorts and a tank.

After he left I relaxed myself again and after a few minutes I got out and changed into some shorts and a tank

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"Damn I look hot."I say to myself as I look at the mirror. I soon get hungry and ima head downstairs.
It's currently 8pm. I head downstairs and as I land at the bottom of the stairs I head to the kitchen,Which is very modern and big. I open the fridge but everything in it is healthy shit. I mean I do like healthy stuff,but right now I wanted something sweet.

I notice a door in the kitchen and open it. Jackpot. It's the pantry,there is hella snacks inside. I grab a bag of skittles,not just any bag a huge party size bag. I then close the door and bump into a wall.
"Why the fuck is there a wall here?!" I say rolling my eyes.

"Not a wall."Ashton says while looking down at me.
I look up at him,locking eyes with him.
"So you're stealing from me now Anna?" Ashton says as he looks at the bag of skittles.

"I was hungry,Tu casa Es mi casa. (Your house,is my house)I say as I grab a hand of skittles.

"Spanish I see.Well I didn't give permission for you to do what you want.Did I?" Ashton says pulling me into,his hands wrap around my waist.
As he pulled me in he made me drop the bag of skittles on the floor. He places one hand on my back and the other lifting up my head to face him. We lock eyes for all about 1 minute until I say something.

"My skittles.What the fuck was that for!? I ask while pushing him away from me. I then bend down and then sit on the floor picking up the skittles.
"Anna." Ashton says,tho I ignore him.
"Anna." He says seeming more mad in his voice.
I don't answer him and he picks me up,making me stand up and pulls me into his chest again. Just this time he kisses me. He fucking KISSES ME!?!"

I pull him away from the kiss.
"Fuck,Anna why are you doing to me?!" Ashton says while looking at me then turning his back at me.

"Why did you kiss me?!" I ask turning him around to face me again. He just stares at me.

"What's going on?" Axel says as he comes to the kitchen.
"This bitch over here,dropped my skittles." I say while rolling my eyes.
"Ashton are you not gonna do anything?She just called you a bitch." Axel says while looking at Ashton. Surprisingly Ashton doesn't really responds.

"I'll shot your arm again,pussy." I say to Axel,putting up my middle finger to him.

"Okay that's enough.Head to your rooms guys.Axel go to your room,we have a meeting tomorrow morning." Ashton says while looking at Axel.

"Alright Ashton." Axel says while turning around before mouthing to me "fucking bitch" I stick my middle finger at him again.
"Kiss my ass Axel!" I say yelling to him before he goes up the stairs.

After he had left I turn to Ashton and he's just staring at me.
"Um." I say as I grab the bag of skittles from the ground.
"Well ima go to my room now." I say as I try walking to the stairs but get pulled back by Ashton.

"Ugh,what now!?" I say as I roll my eyes at him.

"Anna I like you.And you'll like me back soon." He whispers in my ear.
"I did IT with Jake." I say looking back into his eyes.He looks furious at what I had just said.

"When." Ashton asks while gripping my wrist tighter.

"It was a one night stand." I say as I turn my head,and try to free my hands.

"Anna.You don't like him right?" Ashton asks while turning my head back to him.

"Fuck off.Now can you let me go." I say looking at him. He lets my wrist go,and I rub my wrist against each other.

"I'm sorry Anna,I didn't mean to hurt you.." Ashton says while looking at my wrist.

"Bitch." I say as I walk to my room.

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