Nine || Kiss

831 12 1

Anna's POV

I wake up defiantly looking like a mess. I am still wearing the dress.and it's very much uncomfortable to sleep in. I must've been really tired last night. I get up and shower. I choose a white top with a flannel and some ripped jeans.

Outfit ^

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Outfit ^

I let my hair down,still wet. I go downstairs and I'm hungry.

"Aye what's for breakfast!" I ask the chef lady.

"I have made bacon with a side of eggs and some orange juice." She replies with a smile.

"Thank you." I say as I greet her back.

She serves my food and leaves to the employee room?
I'm eating my food as I'm finshed I just leave it in the sink.

"Anna!" I hear a voice call from the stairs.

I go to the stairs and Ashton is standing there.

"What's up!" I say with a fake ass smile.

"We need to talk,about the incident at the ball."

"Ugh there is nothing to y'all about." I say rolling my eyes.

Ashton pulls me by my wrist to the couch and makes me sit.

"Now tell me." Ashton says as he sits next to me.

"Whatever. Blondie and I had to do a project for school and I went to her house,her boyfriend came over and she told me to do all the work. And I didn't like that so I broke her nose. And we had a problem at school blah blah then I saw her at the ball and she talked shit about me so I defended my self."

"You're a crazy chick Anna." Ashton says with a grin.

"You know you're pretty soft for a so called 'mafia leader'." I say as I let out a little laugh.

"Oh Annabelle,you haven't seen the worse of me yet,princess. I can be way more harsh to you but I don't want to." Ashton says as he places his hand on my thigh.

"Why don't you?" I say as I take his hand off. He laughs at my actions.

"Annabelle you're gonna be my wife. Why would I hurt someone who will soon have my kids?" Ashton says as he grabs a cigarette from a small end table.

"Propose to me." I say. Making him turn his face to me.
He definitely wasn't expecting that.

"What?" Ashton says while placing the cigarette down.

"Propose." I say again.

"What game are you playing Annabelle?"Ashton says while grabbing my chin.

"Do you not wanna propose to me?" I say lifting a brow.

"You know id love to marry you. But we all know,you're just messing with me right now." Ashton replies with a smirk.

"Oh Ashton you have so much to learn about me." I say placing my finger to his chest,slowly moving it down to his pants.

He tenses up as I'm moving my finger down. "I love playing with guys."I say to myself.

"Anna.." Ashton says as his Jr gets hard. I can feel it,it's feels huge.

"Oh Ashton. I would love to stay but I have to get back to my room." I say as I take my finger off.

Before I can walk away Ashton grabs my waist pulling me down to his lap.

"What the fuck Ashton?!" What are you going?!" I say as I try to get myself out of his grip.

"You made me hard Anna. You really think I'll just let you go like that?" Ashton whispers in my ear. Giving me shivers.

He places kisses on my neck.

"Fuck you Ashton." I say as I finally get out of his grip.

He probably won't except this. But for sure will enjoy.

When I'm free from his grip I turn myself around and I'm now still on his lap but we are face to face now.
I can feel his hard dick as I'm sitting on top of him. I lean towards his ear.
"I like it rough."
I whisper while licking his ear.
I get back to his face and smack my lips onto his. He kisses back immediately.

"WOAH WOAH!? What the fuck is happening here?!" A voice says.

Causing me to jump off of Ashton.
He also stands up and looks towards the door.
It's a girl with red hair and brown eyes.

"Layla?What are you doing here?" Ashton asks the girl named Layla.

"I wanted to see my dear brother. But looks you're a bit busy with your girlfriend." Layla says as she looks to me. To be honest she looks very pretty and seems sweet.

"Me dating him? I'd rather get shot." I say as I wipe my lips.

"Oh.." she says looking like she's trying to hold in her laugh.

"We will talk later Anna. But for now I guess I will introduce you." Ashton says while walking towards the girl. Me following cause I guess I had to.

"I'm Annabelle.Aka the bitch your brother kidnapped." I say with a smile.

"Woah! You kidnapped her??" The girl says looking at Ashton.

"We will talk about it later." Ashton says rolling his eyes.

"Fine. I'm Layla. Ashtons sister." She says giving me a smile.

"Well ima go to my room now." I say as I head up the stairs. Making my way to my room. I splat on the bed.

"I just kissed a mafia leader. I'm fucked." I say to myself.

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