Twelve || "Punishment"

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Anna's POV

"Annabelle."Ashton says furiously.

"Yeah yeah whatever just get this over with." I say rolling my eyes.

"I warned you Anna." Ashton says as he walks closer to me.

"I love when you get mad." I reply with a smirk.

Ashton doesn't reply he just takes me by my hand and basically drags me to the basement.
I've never been to the basement and once I entered I saw saw a chair and I saw some blood staines on the floor and walls. There was a table with a few knives,guns,needles.

This didn't make me scared if I was gonna die I was gonna die being a badass.
He surprised me when he opened another door from the basement. We entered and it had a bed with not much light. There was chains and it had a small table.

"Sit." Ashton says as he lets go of my wrist.

"If you're gonna kill me for sleeping with Nico just do it now." I say as I lay on the bed.

"Oh Anna,I'm not gonna kill you. This is just a punishment for not listening to me. You will never sleep with my or any men." Ashton says as he sits on the edge of the bed.

"And why would I do that?" I say as I sit up on the bed.

"You're mine Anna. Only mine." Ashton says as he turns his gaze to me.

"You know that speech is very cute and all,but no. I'm not yours. So if you don't mind get out." I say as I point to the door.

"Why did you do it?" Ashton says looking away from me. 

"If your talking about sleeping with Nico,then there is not much of a explanation. I wanted sex. Though I was quite shocked. Nico knows how to work his dick. The way he was inside-" I say getting interrupted by Ashton.

"Shut the fuck up Anna!" Ashton yells standing up from the bed.

"You asked for it!" I yell back. Standing Up from the bed walking towards him.

"Anna don't you get it?! I fucking love you. Ever since I saw you talking with Jake, I wanted you!" Ashton replies looking down at me.

I'll admit. His words caught me by surprised. And I don't know what took over me. But Ashton's words me slightly tense up.

Next thing I know I pull Ashton face down to mine. And I kiss me roughly. He kisses me back and picks me up,I wrap my legs around his waist.

He drops me onto the bed and he then climbs onto the bed,hovering over me. His eyes with full desire.
I make him stumble onto me,he is now onto of me. Our bodies touching not a single inch apart.

Ashton's POV

I wanted Anna right now. I had to have her. Although I'm mad,upset,disappointed that she had sex with Nico I still loved her. And I don't know if this is the right time for us to fuck.

Anna pulls me down to her making me collapse on her. And she just smirks at me.
I notice that my body had been on top of her,causing her boobs to press up/be pushed up.

She had the most perfect body. Her boobs looked so soft they weren't to small or to big. I loved everything of her.

"You wanna fuck me." Anna whispers,seductively.

"This is quite the place to fuck your future wife." Anna says as she arches her back,causing her boobs to push up higher to my face.

"Fuck." I mumble under my breath.

I hear one of my men say.

"Ignore them." Anna says as I was about to respond.

"You know I always thought you were hot. The way you look when you get angry at me. You know if I was a desperate hoe. I would've touched myself thinking it was you." Anna whispers in my ear.

The last part really got to me. I was shocked to here that come out from her mouth. Anna could've fantasized about me. If only she knew how many times she got me hard. Why I called girls over at night. It was because of her.

"Say something." Anna says as she pushes me off of her body slightly.

"You make me so confused Annabelle." I respond. I wasn't lying tho,when she talks to me like that I don't know what to say.

"Really Ashton." Anna says rolling her eyes.

"You know what? Why don't you punish me..but in the bed." Anna says as she places her hand on my dick.

I definitely got hard. And I think she noticed,because she looked up to me letting out a giggle.

"Does my touch affect you Mr.Hampton?" Anna says seductively.

"I'll let you go back to your room. But don't you forget About the Punishment you owe me." I say standing up from the bed and about to open the door.but I turn back to look at her.

"Oh and Anna. I'll wait for you in my room at 8." I say with a wink,before walking out.

I'm still the tough guy. I'm a mafia leader I just got soft by her. But I'm not letting my guard down. I've seen Anna,I know Anna by all her information.

She's gonna be my wife. And I know that for a fact. She'll end up loving me. I mean she already told me she liked me,basically.

Although I love Annabelle, I'm not letting myself get to soft. I'm the strongest mafia leader. And I'm keeping it that way.

When Anna ends up getting married to me I'm sure she will also like to be apart of the Mafia.

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