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Ashton had to go deal with his mafia stuff. Leaving me all turned on with no action.

I go to my room and get a outfit.

I don't plan on staying here

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I don't plan on staying here. It's boring,I have nothing to do,I can't have friends. I'm sick and tired of this. I should've done this when I first got here.

I grab a backpack and place some clothes,shoes,underwear,hair ties etc.

Once I'm done packing I open my door and check to see if a guard or the guys are here.

Coast is clear.

I start walking towards the downstairs so I can go to the backyard. If I went thru the front I would've easily gotten caught.

I make my way downstairs and see 2 guards at the bottom of the stairs.

"What are you doing miss?" One of the guards ask.

"Oh I'm just getting ready to see Ashy." I say with a wink.

I thought I tricked them but as soon as I started walking one of them grabbed my backpack,
pulling me back.

"HEY!" I say as I take the backpack back.

"We need to see what's inside." The guard says.

"No." I reply.

The other guard was gonna start talking on the walkie talkie but I smacked it off his hand.

"GET HER!" One of the guards yells to the other.

I start running thru the house trying to get to the back door.

One of the guys goes around and tackles me to the ground. We both fall to the ground and he jumps ontop of me but I push him off and hit him where it hurts.

"GET BACK HERE!" I hear a guard yell.

I make it to the backdoor and as I was about to open it I turn around to someone calling my name.

Then our of no where Axel and Jake both tackle me to the ground.Pining me to the ground.

"Fucking bitch." I say before my eyes start closing.

"She better not be injured, Ashton will kill you guys." I hear Nico say before everything turns dark.

Axel's POV

Nico,Jake and I had been outside of the house talking about mafia stuff while Ashton had to leave to do some shipment stuff.

"Miss Annabelle is trying to escape! She's currently trying to reach the backyard door!" A guard says thru the walkie talkie.

"Fuck! We need to go get her before Ashton kills us all!" Nico says as we all start running into the house.

"Go to the backdoor!" Nico yells.

We see Anna trying to open the back door and me and Jake tackle her so she doesn't escape. We might've done it to hard.

We pinned her to the ground so she wouldn't move.

"Fucking bitch." Anna mumbles before she starts shutting her eyes.

Anna closes her eyes and blood starts coming out of her head.

Oh shit.

"She better not be injured or Ashton will kill us." Nico says.

"Shit. That's a lot of blood." Jake says as we both get off of her.

"Get her to the medic room!" Jake says to Nico.

Nico carry's her all the way to medic room that we have. The doctor started checking her head and called for more nurses.

"Fuck." I say hitting my head on the wall.

"What if shes dead? Oh gosh. Ashton will kill us!" I say panicking.

Ashton loves Anna. And if Anna dies,he'll kill us for sure.

"Control yourself Axel!" Nico says slapping me.

"I'll call Ashton." Jake says walking away.

"You know Jake probably feels horrible. I mean he met Anna first,which is also the reason why Ashton even met Anna." I say to Nico.

"He probably still likes her but is hiding his feeling,because he knows Ashton loves Anna." Nico says as he watches Anna thru the glass.

The doctors are yelling things and then a nurse start taking off her clothes to change her into a hospital gown.

"Dont look." Nico says turning around.

After a few minutes of the door busts open.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" Ashton yells.

"She's in the room." Jake says pointing to the door.

"I wanna explanation." Ashton says before entering the room.

"It better not be something serious." I say as we walk away to go to deal with Ashton's meetings.

ꪖꪀꪀꪖ |✔︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora