New beginning

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"Sigh... I'm finally done unpacking..." you said to yourself as you wiped off sweat from your forehead.

'...this is it [Y/n], you're finally free to start over.' You thought as you felt tears forming in your eyes.

"No! I'm not going to cry..." you told yourself "...I've cried enough."

You've recently moved to Tokyo to start your new job as an Auxiliary Manager at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College or Tokyo Jujutsu High for short. The school was one of the two jujutsu schools in Japan and it was an honor to work among the strongest jujutsu users.

Tomorrow was the first day of your new job and you were so nervous and excited that you were unable to sleep that night.

'What if I mess up on my first day? What if they don't like me and fire me? Oh god they can't fire me, I need the money to pay rent...' your head was filled with so many thoughts but eventually you dozed off.


When morning came you were exhausted.

"Sigh...I barely got any sleep last night." You said to yourself as you looked at your reflection on the mirror.

"Oh well it can't be helped."

You brushed your [Hair/texture] hair and put it in a low bun. It made you look really professional.

Wore the black suit that the school gave you on the day you were called in and told that you got the job, with a pair of black red bottom heels.

"Hmmm the skirt is a bit tight and way too short." You told yourself as you looked in the mirror.

You decided to wear black stockings underneath, as the skirt was just too short and made you feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Wow [Y/n] you look drop dead gorgeous." You giggled to yourself in the mirror.

"I'm way too nervous to eat right now so I'll buy something later on." You said to yourself as you grabbed your house keys and made your way out the door.

"This is it, my new life starts now." You said as you confidently made your way to the train station.


You arrived at the school an hour early, it was empty.

"Well I guess I'm a bit too early." You said with a smile.

"Who are you talking to?" A man asked behind you.

You were startled by him. As you turned you were met by a tall man in a tan business suit and dark blonde hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I was just wondering wh-"

"Oh my goodness you're Nanami Kento!" You said interrupting the man.

"Do I know you?" He asked a bit confused.

"No, no but I know're Nanami Kento, the grade 1 sorcerer famous for using blackflash 4 times in a row. I'm such a big fan." You squealed.

"Hmmm, I didn't know I was famous" Nanami said rubbing his chin.

"Well you are, among people with low curse abilities such as myself." You responded.

There was a brief silence between you two that made you feel somewhat embarrassed.

'Ugh...I cant believe I 'fan-girled' like that. Now he probably thinks I'm weird.' You thought.

"Judging by your suit I'm guessing you work here, right Miss?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Ah yes! Today is my first day as an Auxiliary Manager." You told him.

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