Chapter Seven: Kruslfaesd

Start from the beginning

A half hour later Yunho takes over the wheel.
"Get something to eat, I will take over in the meantime.", he says.
I go to the kitchen. Wooyoung fills up a plate and slides it over the table towards me.
I catch the plate and start eating. As always it tastes fantastic although nothing will ever be better than my mom's cooking.
Then I go outside again and get back on the wheel. Yunho puts his arm around me and just smiles at me for a few minutes.
"I am so excited for Pfryspungt. It's going to be so different from home with all the ice and we'll have snow almost every day.", Yunho exclaims.
"And very difficult to navigate through because you can't see anything and Hongjoong said that there will be ice fragments that we might crash into. So it's gonna be super dangerous.", I add.
"Don't be such a scaredy cat. I will protect us, I will box the ice away if it tries to hit us."
Yunho boxes into the air which makes me giggle.
"I don't know I have just become a bit anxious. I always knew that exploring the world would be a bit dangerous. But seeing the incident in the bar in Kroosborg has made me really aware of everything that could happen to us."
Yunho's face becomes more serious while listening to my words. He nods sympathetically.
"It definitely comes with a risk but I think the crew is very reliable and Hongjoong has a lot of experience and knowledge in this regard.
You know that I will protect you and that you can count on me.
So don't try to let your worries get to your head to much and try enjoy everything while you can. After all you don't know when you will get the chance to do all of this and visit these places again."
I nod. He is right. I should not stress myself out that much. I feel a little bit more at ease now that I have spoken with Yunho about my fears.
He has always been a good friend and has protected me several times throughout the years.

8 years ago
After helping my parents on the field, I stay outside to play with the other kids.
"Hey guys, everyone knows that Mr. Ertper has the best strawberries but he hates kids so he won't share them with us. How about the smaller ones of you get us some of them.", one of the older boys suggest.
"But that's stealing!", I remark.
"Don't be such a coward again, Mingi.", the oldest says.
"Yeah, you always take away the fun with your constant whining.", another one adds.
"But stealing is wrong.", I voice.
"He won't even notice it if we take a few. Besides we are older than you, we know what we are doing."

Feeling defeated, I follow the other boys that are around my age over the fields. On the way there I run into my best friend who just got done with his work.
"Where are you going?", he asks.
I explain the situation to him.
"Your right that's very wrong.", Yunho says.
"But I don't want to be seen as loser by them.", I express.
"Your not a loser. You are standing in for the right things. Let's go back. I will talk to them."
We go back to the older boys.
"Hey, why are you back with empty hands?", the oldest asks.
"We won't steal for you, we are not thiefs.", I reply.
"Don't be such a loser. When we were your age, we did things like that all the time."
"Why don't you do it yourself then?", Yunho asks.
"Oh, you brought your guard dog, I see. Just do what we say, otherwise we will tell your parents some nasty things about you."
"I won't.", I say.
"Your threatening someone who is younger and smaller than you. And you say Mingi is the coward? You should shame yourself.", Yunho says.
He takes me by the hand and we and the other younger boys go somewhere else to play, leaving the three angry teenagers behind.

6 years ago
I leave my house feeling very happy. Yesterday one of the girls made me a flower necklace. It was really cute, I never got a present from a girl.
I walk towards Yunho's house but someone taps me on the shoulder.
I turn around and see Lukas, a boy who is a year older than me and who occasionally hangs out with me.
"Hey! Haven't seen you in a while. How are you?", I greet him.
"Hi. I saw you with Yesika yesterday."
"Yeah, she gave me a flower necklace."
"She is mine! Don't speak to her again!"
"I don't think I have feelings like that for her so I don't think there is a problem."
"Don't lie to me! Why else would you speak to her and accept her gift."
He looks at me very angry and has his fists balled.
"Calm down. She spoke to me first and she is really nice, so why wouldn't I accept her present."
"Don't speak to her ever again. Or else I will tell all the girls that you are a player who is trying to break their hearts."
"Ehhh... but I can't help it if she speaks to me first and it would be rude not to answer."
Lukas's face turns red as he gets even angrier. He grabs me by the neck and is about to punch me when Yunho appears out of nowhere and steps between us.
"Stop it! What are you doing?!", he asks seemingly shocked by Lukas's actions.
"He spoke with Yesika without my consent. She's mine. He can't just speak to her."
"Well, obviously he can and also she is not an object. She doesn't belong to anyone and if she's okay with talking to Mingi then there is nothing you can say against it."
"I am going to marry her someday, so no other man can speak to her."
"That doesn't even make sense and also I am sure she wouldn't want to marry you if she heard you talking like that. Maybe I should tell her?"
"You know what. F*** you! I have better things to do than to speak to you."
Just like that he struts away.
"Are you okay?", Yunho asks me.
"Yes, thank you for saving me."
"That is what best friends are for."
"I don't even know why he got so angry."
"I guess love sometimes makes people do weird things."

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