• Park Wars • Movie! Lloyd x Movie! Lord! Garmadon

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• Requested by @NinjafanLL007 •

Third Person POV

"I know you really had your heart set on doing something fun with me this weekend but is the disguise really necessary?"

"Of course it is! Don't want to risk scaring anybody, now would we, La-Lloyd?"

"Let's just get this over with..." Lloyd sighed as Garmadon fixed the wonky mustache that hung above his lips.

Garmadon happily dragged Lloyd through Ninjago City to get to the park. Once they were there, Lloyd could sense everyone staring at them, some even started leaving once they recognized them. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.

Garmadon took notice of everyone's rotten behavior, taking humor in it. But once he saw Lloyd's uncomfortable manner, he tried to redirect his attention.

"Hey, look, La-Lloyd!" He smiled when Lloyd turned his head to look. Lloyd's eyes bulged at the massive kite that his dad was now holding.

"Where...where the heck were you keeping that?!"

"That's none of your concern, just hold this," Garmadon tutted, handing the string handle to him. "You have flown a kite before, right?"

Lloyd looked away, shaking his head in shame. Garmadon let a single bellow of laughter out. "Ha! I can't believe you actually haven't-."

He stopped after noticing the embarrassed look on Lloyd's face. "Of course he didn't know how to do this," He thought. "You weren't there to teach him, you heartless vegetable."

"Uh, I mean, it's okay that you don't know how to fly a kite. I can teach you!" He quickly said, reveling in the way Lloyd's face lit up.

He brought Lloyd to a safe area, free of trees and things that a kite could typically get caught on. The other kite-fliers around them seemed to force a grimace upon seeing them take a spot next to them.

"Okay, La-Lloyd, listen carefully. This can be a bit tricky, but with my expertise, it will be easy as-."

"Okay, okay! Just tell me!" Lloyd laughed.

"Okay. Alright. So, first, hold on tightly to this string. Don't you dare let it go or it will fly away to never be seen again."

Lloyd nodded and tightened his fingers around the coil of string. "Now what?"

"Keep holding on to it. I'm going to take the kite and hold it like so..." Garmadon lifted the kite, trying to find the right position where the wind could properly catch it. "There. Now, I'm going to toss it into the air and let it fly. Ready?"

Lloyd nodded, giving the signal for Garmadon to throw the kite up into the air. Once he did, the kite soared up into the air. Garmadon ran to Lloyd's side, staring up at the sky.

"Look, La-Lloyd! You're doing it!" Garmadon happily exclaimed. Lloyd laughed in surprise, looking at his dad's proud face. Garmadon raised his hand up, which Lloyd immediately slapped.

"Ah!" Garmadon groaned, retracting his hand. "Who taught you how to high-five so hard?"

Because they were distracted, the kite swooped down, knocking into a kite next to them.

Once the two kites hit the ground, Garmadon quickly bent down to untangle the cords while the owner of the other kite shouted, "Hey! How about keep your kite away from mine, Garmadorks?!"

The name made Lloyd cringe. A poorly constructed insult, yes, but just enough to trigger bad memories of being bullied over the years.

Lloyd was ready to run off and hide until Garmadon raised a fist, shaking it and screaming, "How about you just go jump in the ocean since you wanna be so salty about everything?! Leave me and my son alone, you jerk!"

Lloyd stood in disbelief as Garmadon proceeded to pick up the person's kite and threw it at them. Garmadon carried Lloyd's kite back up to him with a frustrated expression.

"Ugh, the nerve of some people," He snarled. "Come on, La-Lloyd, let's find a more quiet spot."

Lloyd grabbed onto Garmadon's arm, making him stop.

"La-Lloyd? What's wrong?"

Lloyd reached up, plucking off that ridiculous fake mustache.

"This was fooling nobody, Dad," Lloyd snickered. "They knew all along!"

The two burst into raucous laughter, annoying the people around them with the noise.

They walked off to find a new spot; at least, not before casting the kite into the air to take down other passerby's kites in the process.

Word Count: 724 Words.

(Hello, everyone! Sorry this came so late, but I've been doing a bit of self-improvement. I'll be working on the rest of the requests, but they may be a bit slow coming out. [kinda like me ha ha ha :') ]

So, I will be uploading a bit of an announcement sooner or later. I would like all of you to read it, please.

As of which, I would appreciate if everyone would halt their requests. I'm getting lots of them lately and I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel of them, so please just keep them to yourself!

Anyway, thanks for reading! And thanks to @NinjafanLL007 for the request! I hope it was to your liking! Writing the goody movie Garmadad is quite fun! If there are any typos/dumb stuff in the chapter, please let me know so I can fix it!

I hope to see you soon! Stay safe!

- your sleepy author, Abbey :] )

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