1 [Foggy Memories]

Start from the beginning

As we ate breakfast for the day I had the time to actually ask my parents something that I really wanted for my birthday today, I just hope they would agree with me. I took in a deep breath in and soon looked at my parents to ask them both.

"Mother, father I was wondering about something?" I started trying to smooth it out first.

"Yes dear?" my mother asked as she poured some more tea in her and father's cup.

"Well, um I was hoping that maybe today we could go for a walk outside and enjoy the day?" I asked with hope in my eyes, maybe if I include them they would agree.

My mother looked at me for a moment before looking at my father with worry, but he just folded his newspaper before chuckling and smiling at me.

"Alright, I think it's a grand idea; we'll go for a walk this afternoon" my father spoke which brought me to smile bigger as I stood up from my chair and hugged him as he hugged me back. I hugged my mother as well before excusing myself from the table, cleaning my dish and cup before rushing back up into my room.

I know my parents worried about me, mother worries the most that's why I knew my father would give me the chance to actually go outside and not just outside to the backyard where a white fence covered the backyard so no one could see me playing outside during the seasons. I was so excited I made sure I brought things that I need; I brought my purse from the desk as I put things inside that I needed. Once that was done I sat down on my bed before I grabbed my guitar my father got me four years ago; I started to tune it a bit before I started to do a little tune as I smiled to myself as my heart was still fluttering with excitement.

Afternoon soon came and for the first time I felt the sun hit my skin with warmth as we three walked out of the front door, my [E/C] eyes winded with astonishment as I looked around from what I could see, the green grass in people lawns were very green just like bushes that formed near the roads. People were out and about with friends, family and their pets as well; father locked the door before we soon left the house for the first time in ten years it felt weird yet exciting as well.

People waved at us and said hello as we did the same as we walked through the town I called home, it was truly amazing everything from the wind, the bird chirping. I could hear the sound of cars and the sound of a river not far away; the leaves brushing against each other from the wind, hearing children playing together in the streets. I could smell the fresh summer air as the gentle window blew my hair back from my face, I could smell the small bakery twenty blocks away from my house with fresh new rolls and bread ready to sell, the smell of the river was amazing as well. I couldn't help my smile that grew with each step that I took as I could hear my own heartbeat in my chest that was doing leaps and twirls ready to dance out of my chest. This out of all the birthdays that I have had, this was the most special one that I have had in my whole life I loved it.

My parents watched me with warm smile on their faces as they stayed maybe two steps behind me to give me my moment of being out here for the first time, it was amazing they were both wonderful parents and I am glad that they adopted me.

"How about some lunch, a nice picnic should do" my mother spoke out with the idea.

"Oh yes, yes!" I turned around to face them both with excitement.

They both chuckled at my excitement seeing my eyes glow was something they treasured, we soon made it to the small market in town picking out fresh food for our picnic for the day; my mother taught me how to smell for fresh and not so fresh as we went through the fruits and veggies. We both smiled and laughed as we joked with father as he laughed with us taking pictures with his camera making sure I would remember this special day.

After picking out our food, we made our way to a nice little hillside looking over the view of the town. I laid down a blanket for us as mother started putting some food on plates giving father and myself a plate; this was the best birthday that ever could ask for this would be a day.

Throughout this day I always had a sense that I was being watched, not in a creepy way but like in curiosity almost but I thought it was nothing as I enjoyed the day with my parents. Until the sun was slowly setting making the sky look like a golden and orange color which was warm and beautiful, we returned back home for the day. Father checked the mail bringing out something's as my mother and I opened the door.

Once inside and the door was closed, I was putting out picnic things away as I cleaned the plates in the sink and dried them as well.

"[Y/N], you have something for you" my mother said to me as she walked into the kitchen.

"Huh?" I was confused when she handed me a letter.

I opened it seeing the writing was in pencil but still looked like a child wrote it, which made me confused a bit more.

"Dear miss.

This might sound weird to you but myself and my other six siblings would like it if you could come and babysit us for at least ten months. I know it's a lot to ask but our parents are both very busy during the ten months with their business and their travels over the world and we are normally left alone which started six years ago; my name is Yumi I am the oldest; please come to Beesands, Devon please write back if you agree my siblings and I really wish to meet you; you seem like a very nice lady I hope you come and see us, the family car will pick you up if you agree to take this job. Thank you for reading my letter I hope we meet soon.

From Yumi D. Trafalgar"

It was a weird letter for sure but hearing them being alone for so long with no one to watch them close made my heart hurt as I read the letter again.

"What did it say dear?" my mother asked me being interested in what it had to say.

"Well, I have been offered a job to babysit some children in Beesands; I think I shall write back and agree to take the job" I said with confidence at the end thinking it was time I really get out in the world.

I walked passed my mother who was still in shock in what I said just now as I headed up the stairs to my room to send a letter.      

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