Chapter 19 ~ Sophie and Keefe

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Sophie's POV:

Sophie sighed as she turned to face the voice. They had just escaped from the Neverseen and now...................there they went again!

Lady Gisela was behind them wearing a dark black cloak and carrying a letter.

"What do you want?" Sophie snapped, she was losing patience with her enemies.

Lady Gisela laughed slowly, "I want nothing to do with the Moonlark,"

"Then, why the heck are you here? Go away!" Ruy spat.

"Oh, it's good to see you here. Why would a talented psionipath ever want to join the loser side?" she frowned, definitely worried about losing a psionipath.

Sophie glanced at Ruy and could definitely see that he was angry. "Can you just stop and tell us what you want?"

"Like I said Moonlark, I want nothing to do with you. You are simply the messenger for once." Lady Gisela told her, grinning.

"Why would I do anything for you?" Sophie asked.

Lady Gisela ignored her, "I give you a letter and you deliver it to my husband without reading it. Is that clear?"

"Why can't you do that yourself? He's your husband in the first place" Sophie commented, but she was eager to see what was in that letter.

"I have my reasons." Lady Gisela smirked. Her smirk looked a lot like Keefe's smirks. It was a bit scary of how similar Keefe and his mom were. "Now, will you do it or not?"

"Never!" Sophie spat. After all that she did, why would they do this for her? Well, it might help them look inside wasn't a good idea.

Lady Gisela just smiled as she pulled out a human gun. Sophie and Ruy both knew what that was.

"Fine," Ruy told her, glaring.

Sophie didn't know if the gun had bullets or not but she didn't want her only brother getting hurt. Speaking of brothers Sophie had an important job after whatever this was going to be. She had to ask Mr. Forkle about why he hid this information from her. Sophie was getting off track and didn't hear what Lady Gisela said before dropping the letter and leaping away.

"Sophie," Ruy waved his hands in front of Sophie's face.

"What?" she asked him.

"DId you even hear what she said?" he asked.

"No," Sophie said, guiltily. "I should've listened,"

"It's fine. She said, that's all I wanted. Run along and go get this to him by tonight." he told her.

"Oh," Sophie sighed. She needed a break, but oh well. She wasn't getting one anytime soon. It wasn't like she wouldn't get a break at all, right?

When she glanced at Ruy he seemed to be thinking the same thing. Maybe this was a siblings thing.

"Come on, let's go inside my house," Sophie said, dragging Ruy inside even though he protested.

"Who is entering my house without permission?" Grady bellowed, running to see who came inside. Biana, Keefe, Tam, Linh, Dex and Fitz also ran downstairs hoping to see Sophie.

"Why is there a Neverseen member in my house?" Grady quickly pulled out a melder and shot it at Ruy before he could protect himself with a force-field. Ruy fell to the ground unconscious.

"STOP!" Sophie yelled and knelt before Ruy. Now they had to go to the healing center.

"What the heck is wrong with you, Sophie? I thought you were part of the Black Swan? It looks like you aren't, so get out of my house!" Grady said, hurt that his own daughter joined the Neverseen. He tightened his grip on the melder and shot Ruy with it again and again.

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