Chapter 9 ~ Sophie

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The person fell to the ground and screamed. Who was it? That person didn't look familiar. Sophie ran over to the person and saw that it was a girl. She had blue eyes and brown hair.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asked, feeling guilty that she threw a goblin throwing star at a girl who didn't do anything to her.

"I could be better." she replied, sarcastically.

Sophie stumbled, she had heard this voice before.

"Who are you?" Sophie asked the girl.

"A girl" she answered.

"Ummm, okay. What's your name?" Sophie asked.

"Amelia." she said.

"Cool name, I'm Sophie, Sophie Foster." she told her.

"Oh, I know." Amelia said, "Everyone knows you."

"Why do I feel like I know you?" Sophie asked.

"Oh, you don't know me." Amelia told her.

But, your voice sounds so familiar, Sophie thought.

"Oh." Sophie said. "What are you doing here, in the middle of the night?"

"You know, I should be the one asking that." Amelia said. "I saw you talking to Ruy."

Sophie panicked, "How much did you see?"

"I only came when he left." Amelia told her.

Sophie let a breath out, wait............ How did this girl recognize Ruy? "How did you recognize Ruy?"

"Oh, about that. . . I'm in the Neverseen." Amelia said, touching a weird metal object on the side of her arm. 

Oh, no. Sophie was talking to a member of the Neverseen. That's probably why her voice sounded familiar.

"Oh, don't be scared. I didn't come here to hurt you." Amelia told her.

"Oh, sure. You all just love to say that." Sophie told her. She was already thinking of an escape plan. 

Amelia grinned evilly. "I just came cause I saw Ruy leaving the Neverseen base for something. Now, I know why he came, cause he wanted to talk to the moonlark of course. He will get into big trouble."

"Don't" Sophie told the girl. Her eyes were fleming with hatred.

"Oh, don't what?" Amelia grinned. "Tell the Neverseen, huh. Is he your boyfriend? Cause the Neverseen doesn't allow relationships."

Just as Sophie was going to reply she saw ten more Neverseen members. 

"What the heck?" she asked, trying to shout for help. Amelia put her hand over Sophie's mouth. 

"Nobody is gonna help you, moonlark!" Amelia grinned evilly again. 

The Neverseen surrounded Sophie. 

"Get her!" she heard someone whisper. They forced her to drink a sedative. 

The last thing she could see was Amelia grinning before all she saw was darkness. Darkness. 

QOTD: Who is your favorite person in the world other that you parents and siblings? 

A: This is the hardest question in my life. I can't even choose. If I choose someone now, I will regret it later, so yeah. 

Hope you had a great day so far! Nothing special going on in my life other than homework! Bye, guys! :) 

Mysterious Miss S out -> 

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