Chapter 5 ~ Sophie

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YAY, I finally got this one done. 

Sophie was done with all of this. She got out her imparter and called Amy.

"Hey Sophie!" Amy called out to her.

"Hey Amy!" Sophie waved to her sister. "It's been so long since I have seen you!"

"I know right?" Amy said. "So, why'd you call?"

"You know Keefe left me right? So yeah, none of my friends are helping me look for him. They say it's not safe. The black swan just keeps waiting and waiting. For what? Nothing is going to happen by waiting!" Sophie sighed.

"I can't keep waiting for them, I am done. I am going to look for Keefe even if nobody helps me!" Sophie said.

"Sophie, it's okay." Amy said. "I don't think it is a good idea."

"I have to Amy. I have to find him. Please let me do it! What other chance do I have!" Sophie argued.

"No, Sophie. You should stay there and listen to me." Amy replied.

"Don't go looking for him alone. It isn't safe, Sophie. Listen to me. Please." Amy continued.

"I don't know Amy, is he ever going to come back?" Sophie asked her.

"He will for you, Sophie. Just wait." Amy told her.

"Bye!" Sophie said. "I am coming to your house tomorrow morning and you are helping me find Keefe. Don't stop me!"

"Okay then, see you tomorrow." Amy said, waving goodbye.

Sophie waved goodbye. She buried her face in her pillow and with Ella she fell asleep.

                                                                                . . . 

The next morning Sophie quickly woke up.

"Good Morning, Miss Foster!" Sandor said as she woke up.

"Oh, good morning." Sophie replied.

Good thing Sandor didn't hear her conversation with Amy. Great thing was that nobody heard her! Sophie put on some comfy clothes. When Sandor wasn't looking she packed herself a quick bag. She put a few pairs of human clothes, Ella, a journal, some mallowmelt, and her imparter in the bag. When Sandor was looking at her she acted like she was doing her hair, then when he wasn't looking she quickly ran outside and teleported to the human world.  

She rang the doorbell of her sister's house. She heard her sister talking to someone called Keesha. She waited and waited. Finally, her sister opened the door.

"Amy!" Sophie hugged her sister. "Are your parents home?"

"No, but you should've asked before you came, not after you came here dummy!" Amy laughed, shoving Sophie.

"Oops!" Sophie said, shoving Amy back. "Amy, can you please help me find Keefe."

"Ummm, sure." Amy mumbled. "Wait, did you eat anything before you got here?" 

"Not really, I just had a piece of mallowment." Sophie told her.

"Ok then, let's make a deal. You give me mallowmelt and i'll give you some of my amazing pancakes." Amy made a deal.

"Ah, mallowmelt. My best friend!" Amy ate the whole piece in one bite.

"Here are your pancakes." Amy said proudly, handing Sophie a plate.

"Okay, while we are eating we can talk." Amy told her.

Sophie quickly finished eating. "You can pretend to give me a tour of the house like when we were little and then we can make a plan."

Game Changer - After Unlocked (KOTLC FANFICTION)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें