Chapter 17 ~ Ruy

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Ruy was already so surprised that he couldn't get more surprised. They had just destroyed the whole Neverseen base without getting caught and now the box of books they had wanted to keep was perfectly fine while all the other books were ruined.

"How is this even possible?" Sophie asked, as surprised as him.

Ruy shrugged, "I really don't know,"

Sophie pulled Ruy into a small dark place behind all the books, "The Neverseen guards are coming here, we should get out of here. Quick!"

"How?" Ruy asked.

"Do you have any leaping crystals?" Sophie asked him, checking her pockets again to be sure. "The Neverseen took mine, the one that leads to havenfield."

"I don't know, I only had one leading to the Neverseen base." Ruy answered, checking his pockets. Ruy felt something in his pocket, he pulled it out.

Sophie gasped so loud that one of the Neverseen guards turned around, "But how?"

There it was, a cobalt blue leaping crystal. Ruy couldn't believe his eyes.

"Is this yours?" Sophie asked.

"No, it isn't mine! I just checked my pocket and found it," Ruy replied.

"Okay, then! Come on, let's leap there!" Sophie told him.

"But, it leads to the forbidden cities and we don't know where," Ruy protested.

"The Neverseen are coming, where else could we go? Do you really want to stay in this prison? And after we are safely away from the Neverseen I can transmit and tell the Black Swan where we are." Sophie told him.

"Okay, fine," Ruy said, giving in. "But don't forget the box of books,"

Sophie grabbed the box of books as he leaped them to the place the crystal led them to.

"Wow," Sophie said.

Ruy couldn't take his eyes off the clear blue water on the beach with pure white sand. It was so beautiful. The mountain range behind the water gave the place an even jazzier look.

"Where are we?" he asked Sophie.

"I don't know where we are, but I know for sure that we are in one of the best beaches in the whole Forbidden cities." Sophie told him, without taking her eyes off the crystal clear water. "This place is so beautiful. I love the view from here."

Ruy nodded, agreeing with Sophie. This place was so cool, that he wanted to stay here for a long time. But he knew that it was best if they left the forbidden cities right away, but Sophie looked so peaceful and happy that he wasn't going to ruin the moment for her.

After a few minutes Ruy decided it was time to tell her that they should leave. "Sophie, I can tell you love this place but it would be best if you transmit to the black swan and let them know where we are,"

"I know that we should leave, but this place is just so......" Sophie trailed off. Ruy followed Sophie's gaze and saw that there was a huge pile of seashells.

Sophie fell down and her knees sank into the sand. Her face looked sad.

"What happened?" Ruy asked her, his voice laced with concern.

Did she have bad memories with seashells? What could a shell do to a person? Maybe someone hurt her with a shell. Oh, no!

"Nothing bad, don't worry. I just remember all the beaches we went to when I lived with my human family. And all the shells we collected together," Sophie told him, not looking at him right in the eyes.

Game Changer - After Unlocked (KOTLC FANFICTION)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin