16. He fell in love again

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This chapter has 590 words.

Legolas View:
That evening we were preparing for the trip so that we could leave immediately in the morning.
"Legolas?" The most beautiful voice spoke to me. Just as I was packing.
"Yes, Aragorn?" I asked, turning my back on Aragorn.
"Do you mind if a dwarf goes with us?" I immediately knew how to answer this question.
"I wouldn't say I don't mind at all, but I'm not a hundred times excited about it either." I told Aragorn, turning to him.
"So I'm glad," I just smiled at that sentence.
"I think I'm going to pack." Aragorn said.
"I've already packed," I said happily to Aragorn.
"Good night, Legolas," Aragorn said with a smile.
"Good night, Aragorn," I said with a smile, too. After Aragorn left, I went to my room where I was left alone with my thoughts. I began to think about Aragorn again. I had no idea that after I fell in love with Tauriel,

 I had no idea that after I fell in love with Tauriel,

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I can sometimes fall in love like this. Although I probably prefer Aragorn than I ever had Tauriel. After half an hour, I finally fell asleep.

We set off at dawn. We walked over mountains, hills and meadows.
Most often I went right behind Gandalf and Aragorn was completely behind. Suddenly Gandalf said:
,, We have to go west to the Mist Mountains for 40 days. If we are lucky, the Rohan gate will be open for us. "After 30 days we stopped for food. At that moment Gandalf started again:
"Our way from here turns east to Mordor." Boromir taught Merry and Pippin how to handle and fight with a sword. Gimli's voice.

3rd person view:
"If someone asked me about it and he doesn't ask, I'd say we're taking a detour unnecessarily. Gandalf we can walk through the mines in Moria. I will welcome Cousin Balin to the royal. "
"No Gimli, I won't go through Moria unless I have a choice," Gandalf said in his deep voice. Then I saw something in the sky.
"What is it?" Sam asked after a moment.
"Nothing but a cloud." Gimli took the words.
"It flies fast and against the wind," Boromir said immediately.
"Krebainy of the Highlands!" I shouted at everyone.
"Attention!" Aragorn shouted as well.
"Merry, Pippin!" Boromir called to them.
"Quick,... Hide!" Aragorn said. And as he said, so did we. After Krebainy flew from the Highlands, Gandalf launched:
"Saruman's spies are guarding the way south. Caradhras Pass Remains "Informed All (Gandalf) and everyone looked in the same direction = Caradhras Pass. So we went there. When we were somewhere in the two-thirds of the hill, Frodo's leg suddenly slipped and he rolled to Aragorn.
"Frodo!" Aragorn said, then helped him to his feet. Frodo immediately began to dust himself. But he did not feel his ring. It lay about five meters higher. Where Boromir also picked it up.
"Boromire" was addressed to him by Aragorn.
"It's a strange destiny to suffer so much fear for something so small. So small." Boromir said, as if he hadn't heard Aragorn address him.
"Boromir!" Aragorn almost shouted. Boromir winced as if he had just woken up.
"Give it back to Frodo," Aragorn said a little more calmly
"Why not, I don't care about him," Boromir said, ruffling Frodo's hair a little, so we moved on.

I know these chapters aren't very lively, but please hold on. As soon as they reach Moria, it will be more peppery. I promise.

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