15. The Fellowship of The rings

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3rd person view:
After almost 10 minutes, the two men arrived for the meeting.
There were humans, dwarves, elves, the hobbit, and Gandalf.  After everyone gathered there, Elrond began to call his monologue.
"Foreigners from distant lands, old friends. You have been called to respond to the threat of Mordor. Middle-earth stands on the threshold of destruction and no one escapes it, you either unite or you fall.  All breeds have one destiny in common. Present the ring, Frodo. "

After this monologue, Boromir

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After this monologue, Boromir

After this monologue, Boromir

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began to speak.
"That's true." Then everyone looked at the ring.
"It's a gift," Boromir began, standing up.
,, a gift to the enemies of Mordor.  We have to use it, for years my father, the administrator of Gondor, reflects the Mordor troops.  Your countries are still safe thanks to the blood of our people.  Let's take the weapon of the enemy and give it to Gondor."

Lassie's look:
Then I heard the most beautiful voice again as Aragorn began to speak.
"You can't control her, none of us. A ring full only of Sauron's will, it has only one master. "
"What a border guard might know about this." Boromir began to "insult" Aragorn, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I joined the conversation as well.

3rd person view:
"It's not just a border guard. He is Aragorn's son of Arathorn, you are his lazy man." Then Boromir looked incomprehensibly at Aragorn, and then began to speak again.
"Aragorn is Isildur's heir."
"And the heir to the Gondor throne," Legolas said.

View of Aragorn:
I was very happy that Legolas stood up for me, but I didn't like this topic, so I said in Elvish:
"[Sit down, Legolas]." It took my heart to tell him so badly, but I had to. Then Boromir began to speak in disgust.
"Gondor has no king. He doesn't need him.'' Then he settled down, too.

3rd person view:
"Aragorn is right, we can't use it." Gandalf began to speak this time, but then Elrond spoke again.
"There is only one option left.  It must be destroyed." Then one of the dwarves spoke.

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