"Page 12"

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🛸Song recommendation:
I still know you - Jacob Lee

When Kuroo woke up the next morning, the first thing he did was smile.

Then he rolled onto his side to look at the boy laying next to him.

Kenma had slept at Kuroo's house, still peacefully breathing.
He had put on one of Kuroo's shirts, which was way to big for him and exposed the bare skin on his shoulder - and Kuroo had to hold himself back to let his hands softly wander over his body.

There hadn't been much time to talk yesterday.
After the poem, he had just walked up to Kenma, pulling him into a hug.
A few mumbled words, sobs and hugs later they had just laid down in Kuroo's bed and stayed in each others arms until they had fallen asleep.

Yesterday had been the forgiving.
Today it was time for the talking.

Kemma's hair was spread on the pillow and Kuroo now slowly curled a strand around his finger, savoring the feel of the others skin against his knuckels.

He could have stayed here for hours, just watching over Kenma. Noticing the little details again and again, feeling his heart flutter every time.

In this moment, he didn't know how he could ever have doubted Kenma. How he could hate him or think that he'd changed.
This was still his Kenma.
This was still the person he knew best in this world.
Nothing had or could ever change that.

It was just that he had denied himself these thoughts for so long, he had started to believe it. But it was all a lie. Kenma wasn't some stranger but his best friend and his first love.
Kuroo would always know him.

"Morning.", Kenma whispered without opening his eyes.

"Good Morning." Kuroo could feel a slight smile forming on his lips again and he let his thumb stroke Kenma's lips, before he leaned down and met them with his for a moment.

Just the gentle touch made his body float, his stomach tickling.

For a few minutes they just stared at each other, drunk on the kisses and the way their bodies intertwined.

"We should talk.", Kuroo murmurred, his mouth placing kisses on Kenma's cheekbones.

"I know. You start."

Kuroo sat up and learned against the headboard, bringing more distance between them. He definitely couldn't think straight with Kenma's lips so near.

"I was angry at you, when you told me. I mean I was angry before, but I never considered that you might have been ill. Because I just thought you loved me enough to tell me."

"I did-"

"Psst. I know. It's okay. I know you did. I just couldn't see it. But I do now, okay? You just did it to protect me. And I still don't agree with you, but I forgive you. And I hope you'll never make a choice like that again."

Kenma shook his head, his eyes wide. "I won't. I promise. I was desperate and all I wanted was for you to live a normal life. But I know I should have asked you. I'm sorry, Kuroo."

The older just smiled again, pulling Kenma into his lap. "As I told you, it's okay. We've got a new chance now. And we'll be better this time."

His heart felt so light and the morning sun made Kenma look so beautiful, he almost could have cried.

"Are you...healed now, though? Is it gone?", Kuroo asked quietly.

Kenma shifted in his lap, before caressing Kuroo's cheek with his hand.

"Yes. I'm free of cancer. I defeated it, I did. I'm fine now, Kuroo."

"One hundred percent?"

"One hundred percent."

A grin tugged at Kenma's lips, sending joy trough Kuroo's vains.

"Did it...hurt? The cancer?"

"Sometimes." Kenma let out a soft sigh. "I don't really cared for the physical pain, you know I've never been sensitive in that way. But it messes with your head. Knowing you are going to die and everyone making a fuss over it. The endless theraphy and conversation. I was just...tired."

"But you didn't die.", Kuroo whispered, heavily blinking to hide the tears forming in his eyes.

"No, as you see I didn't. But I thought I would for a while."

Kenma seemed to hold his breath for a moment and Kuroo pulled him closer, before asking again.

"Did it scare you?"

"Death? No. The only fear I had was being without you."

Kuroo couldn't hold the tears now and Kenma wiped them from his face with his sleeve.

"But yet you chose to break up with me. Even if it broke you."

"Because I thought it would keep you safe and happy."

"Well, it didn't.", Kuroo sobbed quietly.

"I know that now.", Kenma said under his breath. "I won't do anything like it ever again. Every choice is yours to make."

"Not every one."

"No, hopefully not. You have a terribble taste in clothes."

Kuroo let out a small laugh and pulled the other closer, pressing him to his chest. "I don't."

"You do. But I love them anyway." Kenma pointed to the shirt he was wearing right now, nestling his head into the curve of Kuroo's neck.

"Shut up."

"Can you really promise it?", Kuroo softly asked.


"To not do it again."

"Yes. I promise."

"Good." Kuroo leaned his head on top of Kenma's, taking a deep breath to get a small flavour of the others shampoo.
"I'll never let you leave me alone again."

"I'll never leave you alone again."

"𝗪𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀" - 𝗞𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻Where stories live. Discover now