XXXIII | Guilty

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"YOU DON'T HAVE TO do this, Lauren," Genevieve cried, extending her arms out in front of her, cautiously taking a step forward, the prickling concrete stabbing her bare feat as a heavy breeze swept past her. The weighing smell of gasoline waltzing in the air.

"I do have to do this, Genevieve, you stole me and my family!" Lauren pulled the safety of the gun, shakily pointing it at Genevieve, chest heaving. "You stole my spotlight! I could've been the best, I could've conquered the mafia! But I'm thankful—if you weren't so pathetic I wouldn't have you here in front of me, for me to kill, so say goodbye to your boy toy, Elias, before you die."

Genevieve took another step, her tangled brown hair sticking to her sweaty forehead, feeling air reach her bare skin from the thin hospital gown.

"Lauren," Genevieve seethed, biting down on her tongue from the pain on her aching side, the bullet wound on her hollow hand stabbed pain into her endlessly. "You don't have to kill me—I know I caused pain to you, but causing pain to me won't win satisfaction for you."

Lauren gulped, her hand holding the revolver slightly faltering, before a small smirk tilted upwards on her lips. "You're right, Genevieve. Killing you won't cause you pain. You know why? Because killing you is a second, you will just be a couple of seconds before you die. So, I won't kill you"—Lauren turned the face of the gun in Elias' direction, where he lay helpless, blood covering his body in a flood, his eyes parted, barely open—"I'll kill him, it'll hurt you more."

"No!" Genevieve instantly leaped forward, in an attempt to cover Elias. "Kill me, but don't hurt him."

"Genevieve," Elias whispered, clawing his hands to the ground as he dragged himself forward. "Let her kill me."

"No," Genevieve dropped the butcher's knife to the ground, looking at Lauren firmly. "Kill me, he's innocent."

"Not as innocent as you," Lauren pouted mockingly before laughing maniacally, pressing her index finger against the trigger of the gun and shooting Elias in a matter of a second. "Guess I'm the guilty one here."

- - - - - -


Genevieve sat still, completely still against the ropes that were tied against the chair. On either side of her, standing as still as her, with large rifle guns strapped to their sides and steel-hard expressions printed equally on both of their faces.

"Hey," Genevieve called to the man to her right, watching him arch an eyebrow in her direction. "Yeah, you buddy, do you mind, y'know," she nodded towards the ropes, "untying me?"

The man huffed, pulling his shoulders back and staring straight ahead once again, not bothering to make an incoherent sound for her to understand.

"I'll take the silence as a no," Genevieve tapped the side of the heel of her naked foot against the concrete ground. "But, like, don't you want to be rebellious to your boss or anything? Keep in mind, I am the hero here and you can turn into one too if you just, y'know," Genevieve nodded towards the ropes again, "untie me. It's just a suggestion of course."

The man didn't respond, once again.

"Fine, I'll take that answer as a no too," Genevieve suddenly grinned innocently. "But, please?"

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