II | Guilty

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AS THE SUN AROSE from the distance, speckles of light shone through the white curtains, illuminated the dark room.

The white sheets from the king-sized bed were twisted and bundled, pillows were scattered throughout the bed and floor, and in the middle, sleeping peacefully, was Genevieve.

Her brown locks were dispersed and tangled around her head. Tiny drops of her mouth's saliva melted on the designer sheets.

The chiming of a doorbell echoed throughout the open-complex penthouse, Genevieve's eyes flew open, a loud yelp escaped her chapped lips. Her body came crashing down against the cold marble flooring.

Scrambling up, Genevieve ran out of the room, her still very asleep legs carrying her at a messy speed.

Reaching the house entrance, she stretched her right hand to grab onto the metal handle bar of the contemporary door, her left hand rubbing the side of her face to wake her up.

In her doorstep stood, the devil himself, who unfortunately was dressed hotter than hell itself.

A deep groan was released from her mouth, whilst Elias was watching at her, amusement dancing in his features, digging his fist in between his teeth, he stifled a loud chuckle.

Genevieve glared at him, for it was too early in the morning to deal with him.

"What do you want Eric?" Genevieve asked, most obviously annoyed. Nobody wants to be disturbed in the morning.

"It's Elias," he scowled, stepping inside, closing the door behind him, and making his way towards a hallway which led to the kitchen.

The cabinets were a smooth pale grey, overlapping the white granite countertop that was shaped as an intricate 'L'. In the center stood an island, the counter being held by dark-colored rocks.

Opening the refrigerator's door, taking out various foods, Genevieve began pigging in, "Same thing. Now I need to ask, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be giving out speed tickets or something?"

"I'm an FBI agent, and that's specifically why I came here, to take you to work." Elias responded in a husky tone.

Genevieve nodded her head, her left hand stabbing the left-over salad, that unfortunately did not look appealing anymore. "So, where are we going then?"

Elias walked towards her, each step in perfect speed.

He gave her a once over and raised an eyebrow towards her, silently giving her a look.

Confused, Genevieve looked down on her body, a look of realization dawned on her.

At most she looked ridiculous, her lavender shirt was wrinkled and stained, the booty shorts she used were also dirty, her face was streaked from mascara and eyeshadow in which she was too lazy to take off the night before.

Genevieve sheepishly nodded and ran out of the room, tumbling into a wall in her way towards her closet.

Elias stood snickering to himself, she looked like a dead bride, something that wasn't the most attractive.

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