XVII | Guilty

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A SMALL GROAN ESCAPED Genevieve's chapped lips as the sunlight seeped through the thin white curtains. The twittering of blue birds sounded through the bedroom, a small gust of wind entering from the mid-open window.

Opening her eyes, Genevieve came in contact with Elias' face; who was sleeping peacefully, his mouth slightly opening in small ragged breaths. His arms tightly around the brunette not letting her go.

Genevieve was used to late wake-up calls—from Jonas or Daniel barging in ripping the covers while she was stark naked, immediate awkwardness coming over them or a stupid asshole trying to kill her. But this was one of her favorites.

Under the illumination of the morning dawn, Genevieve ran the tips of her fingers against the edges and curves of his face.

She couldn't help but feel jealous, he was insanely attractive.

The curve of Elias' jawline was chiseled in a vertical mandibular angle, the small jaw bone popping as he stiffened slightly while clenching mandible. Genevieve's fingers curled around his unkept chocolate brown hair as it fell lazily over his forehead. Her eyes darted from his eyebrows—she couldn't help but gasp.

Those were some eyebrows.

One thing she never understood about men, is how some of them stay insanely attractive without maintenance. She could assure you Elias was not the man to stand in front of a mirror for five hours plucking his eyebrows, for them to look that perfect.

As her gaze fell, Genevieve's periwinkle orbs met his enchanting silver ones, almost making her swoon. She hadn't realized that he had woken up, though she was already expecting to be cussed out for the wake-up call—yet, she was met with a knee-weakening, swooning, Vogue magazine cover worthy smile.

"Good Morning," he breathed as he snuggled her body closer to him, his face burying on the crook of his neck kissing it softly.

Genevieve smiled softly, her arms automatically wrapping themselves around his warm upper back; her fingers instinctively running through his hair, again.

A sudden urge to gush came over Elias, he was completely and utterly hypnotized by her movements. The way her nails softly caressed his tender scalp, or how she used her other hand to stroke his cheek gently—he almost purred, the feeling was so surreal that he couldn't help but moan.

It made Genevieve giggle as Elias' cheeks flushed, he could sense the slide rumble of her chest as small laughs escaped her soft lips.

Truly, he felt like such a girl—gushing over their partner's touch or feeling butterflies in his stomach when she's around. He was fucking hopeless. All day and all night, he could continuously  talk about Genevieve's amazing qualities—Elias even ranted about the brunette to Smith; who then responded with a smartass comment, that coincidentally sounded like on of Genevieve's, 'A cocker spaniel also has great qualities, I'm not telling you to get married to one though!'.

Elias, although, had also the same thoughts as Genevieve. This relationship was either going to end in marriage or a bad breakup—much to his dismay. But something told him, I'd be the latter.

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