VI | Guilty

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THE SOUND OF A doorbell ringing sounded through the bare apartment, the lack of rugs and high ceilings making the chiming more prominent.

Genevieve was sitting on a contemporary black leather office chair, in her studio. A large see-through glass table in front of her, various amounts of papers were interspersed on the ground and laying flat, on the table.

A small black pencil stood on her left hand, scraping the thick drawing paper, a realistic outline of a woman's face, various shadings of darker gray formed high cheekbones, a pair of sour eyes stared back at her.

Black hair, brown eyes. She used to live in Singapore, and has had around five husbands. Rich husbands.

The white flat laptop, in front of her, illuminated Genevieve's morning face. Although the New York sun was rather bright, Genevieve decided to keep the white roller blinds shut, letting her inner vampire shine through.

Her head shot her head up, at the sound of loud knuckles rapping against her door from the outside.

Genevieve stood up annoyed, her steps fast. Leaving her office, her hand grasped a knife that was encrusted on the wall, a memory she recalled from her early frustration.

For the past couple of weeks, before the incrimination, a pack of neighborhood teens have been constantly knocking on her door, looking for a one-night-stand. Their noises never let Genevieve oversleep peacefully and allowed her to wake up with her eye bags fifty shades darker than the day before.

Swinging the Brazilian door open, her mouth started opening to yell, and her hand pulled back ready to murder the horny-freaks, only to freeze at the person standing in front of her, grinning from ear to ear.

Tiffany's smile widened even more, if possible, at the sight of Genevieve. Lucy was in her arms resting on her right hip, whilst her left hand was filled with various amounts of Louis Vuitton bags.

"Oh thank the holy god you're here," Tiffany exclaimed.

Genevieve slowly pulled the knife back, twisting her back, settling the sharp object on the charcoal foyer table.

Smiling awkwardly, Genevieve started, "Tiffany, hi! What - What are you doing here at," leaning back to look at the clock hanging on the kitchen entrance, "9 in the morning."

"It's a long story hun, basically I need a babysitter," said Tiffany, unexpectedly dropping the various amounts of baggage on Genevieve's arms.

"A very important board meeting came up, that my assistant forgot to tell me about, so I had to call my usual babysitter. But she called in sick," Tiffany slightly poured.

"So I called my back up, but she was visiting her aunt's niece's granddaughter and couldn't come. I called Elias but he's at the station, solving agent stuff so, you were my last choice," Tiffany rambled, finally taking a breath.

Genevieve nodded, "You are aware that you are letting your child, on the hands of a criminal, correct?"

Tiffany scoffed, "Darling, I know. But if Elias trusts you, I trust you," clapping her hands together. "In the bags are all her toys. Be sure to entertain Lucy, and feed her, but she's lactose intolerant, so keep that in mind. Give her the daily vitamins at 11, and don't give her too much candy," she leaned forward towards Genevieve's ear, "she's a beast."

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