XII | Guilty

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To say Genevieve was mad was a complete and utter understatement, she was completely infuriated.

Not one single soul dared to speak with her after yesterday's events, and no one wanted to either. To be honest, all of them were left in shock, including Elias.

At a normal basis, they were used to fighting criminals, minor ones. The ones who would cower back at the sight of a gun. But overall, they were all incredibly grateful, if it weren't for Genevieve who saved their asses, they'd probably never come out of that mansion alive.

Genevieve herself, also, was left traumatized. Although from the rumors, she was never one of liking parties nor clubs, in fact they terrify her.

The feeling of hot sweaty bodies crashing each other, the loud music banging against the walls - it brought chills down her spine.

"Are you ever going to get off the poor punching bag?"

The brunette aimed her gaze at a crossed armed Elias as he stood in the doorway, smirk painted on his face.

She gave him an annoyed look as she kept smashing the tops of the boxing gloves against the hard bag, "No."

"You are aware that this is my gym?" Elias queried as he pointed at himself.

It was true, after the earlier occurrences, especially when Genevieve unfortunately ended up injured, she chose a safer option and crashed at Elias' place.


"And are you going to get off it?" Elias asked again, fully entering the room, his nose scrunched at the smell of heavy sweat, moist covering the air.

Genevieve kept her focus on the punching bag, ignoring the aching of her muscles as the pulsed faster and harder for each stronger hit.


Elias groaned as he ran his hands through his face frustrated. Truth be told, since they arrived at his flat, all she's been doing was boxing and yelling, the smell of cigarette smoke still lingering in the air, cancer stick buds surrounding her feet.

It annoyed him, he could feel the anger radiating off her and bouncing on the walls, he couldn't go to sleep from the ruckus the brunette was causing.

"That's it," demanded Elias, he quickly bent down grabbing her legs and throwing the twenty two year old over his shoulder. Her only response being screaming and foiling as she pounded on his back, though she couldn't lie, the view of his ass was incredible.

Tossing her on the black sofa, Genevieve sat slumped on the seat, her arms crossed with an evident pout imprinted on her face.

"That's unfair," she whined, the corner of her eye following Elias who sat next to her and stared at her expectantly. "What?"

"What's wrong with you?"

Ripping the boxing gloves off her, Genevieve shrugged as she reached for her pocket, pulling out a pack of Marlboro cigarettes, she picked one of the fags as she lit it with a small metallic black lighter. Placing it in between her index finger and middle finger of her left hand positioning it on her lips. Softly she sucked on the cigarette letting the smoke consume her lungs, puckering her lips she blew the excess smoke on Elias' face, making him cough maniacally.

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