XXVII | Guilty

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"Heather, please!" Dr. Greyson begged, reaching for Genevieve's hand, watching desperately as she stepped forward, his voice cracking. "I—need—help!"

A lump cremated Genevieve's throat as she feigned her tears, launching forward trying to seize him in her grasp. "Oh, my love! What happened?!"

Dr. Greyson coughed, hugging her. "I don't know-know someone shot me, I was looking for you and then I got wounded!"

"Oh, my darling!" Genevieve cried. "What do I do for you?! You need help! Medical help!"

"Please—take me with you! You promised, remember? Once this is finished, we'll be together. Forever," Dr. Greyson held her tightly, digging his face in the crook of her neck.

Forever, Genevieve's eyes hardened once her body stiffened. Forever didn't exist—not for her, not for him, or for Elias. Genevieve wouldn't permit a "forever", especially not for someone who doesn't deserve it.

The grip that Genevieve held on Dr. Greyson's hair tightened extremely, almost to the extension that she pulled his scalp.

"Yes," Genevieve agreed, her tone sharpening. "I did promise that."

Dr. Greyson breathed in relief. "Forever?"

Genevieve hugged him tighter, her fingers creeping down his back to his lab coat's pocket, a small, metallic, sharp scissor falling in between her fingers. Swiftly, she brought her hand back and stabbed the sharp tool against his back, twisting it in Dr. Greyson's flesh.


A gag left Dr. Greyson's lips as he looked at her eyes wide, his lungs collapsing inside of him. "W-What a-a-are you d-doing?!"

"Do you think I don't hear what you do to the other patients—you're disgusting," Genevieve snarled, stabbing the scissor into his back again. "I owe you nothing, you were easy like everybody else."

The sounds of police alarms rang in the far off distance.

"B-But we we are in love!" Dr. Greyson painted, stings of pain traveling through his whole body.

Genevieve laughed maniacally. "No. I don't love you. I love another man, more pure, handsome, worthy...than you'll ever be."

"Y-You are c-crazy!" Dr. Greyson gagged against, amount of bloodied vomit leaving his throat.

The brunette sucked in a harsh breath and stabbed the man harder than before, feeling his large body fall limp in her hands. Genevieve laughed as she stuck her hands against his back, feeling warm blood wrap around her fingers as she raised to her feet, walking to one of the many white, boorish walls, slamming her bloodied hands against it. She smothered her hands as if painting, laughing as she touched his back again, her hands rapidly writing on the wall with his flesh.

As if in an instant she disappeared once the authorities arrived. Chills were brought down the officer's backs as they read what was written in blood on the wall.



Elias slammed the files against his work-desk. A habit he'd picked up on recently—he dug his hands in his hair. He was two months overdue for a haircut; a heavy stubble beard had grown onto his face from months of constant work.

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