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" 50 laps of the ground,  right now " 

Grace's head snapped towards Dimitri as if she just wanted to confirm what she heard ,  even though they are not human. 50 laps of the whole ground is too much. 

Dimitri was looking at Gamma Timmothy, who was leading groups of wolves,  the patrol guards.

Grace didn't see how sharp his gaze was towards Timmothy and she also didn't see how Tylers's lips slightly curved up the moment Dimitri said 50 .

Tyler was training rest of the wolves,  teaching them one to one combat techniques.  

Dimitri finally turned his gaze from timmothy to the girl who was constantly peeping at him.

" 10 laps,  " 

" that's not fair "  timmothy shouted from the other end of the ground. Grace glared at timmothy as soon as he heard him complaining . 

" of the pack " Dimitri completing his earlier statement. for a second there was a big grin on his face like he had found something perfect to toy with.

Grace jaw dropped as soon as his words landed in her ears.  10 laps of the whole pack . it will take no less than 2-3 hours. 

it was still pouring and they all were still training. 

Tyler was doing his best not to laugh out loud. This was just too much! Tyler was very clear of what his Alpha was doing.  although she posses some unique powers but the current stamina of the Luna won't keep her alive,  when the war breaks.  

" that's a lot ," Grace murmured to herself . she then turned to Dimitri to ask him if he is going to join her but the man was already running away and he was heading straight towards the forest .

" go after him or you will get lost,  " Tyler said as he walked by Grace .

she started running in the direction where Dimitri ran off too but dimitri was nowhere in sight though she was just only a minute or so late . until she heard his voice again. 

" what did tyler taught you in all these weeks of training?  you can't even run properly?  " 

" why did you told your pack members that i am their future queen?  i don't remember agreeing to this " she questioned back instead of answering him. 

" you didn't?   i remember you saying that you will face the consequences of your actions!  "

" how can this be counted as a consequence ?  "

this time Dimitri remained silent and kept running slowly within the woods. his wolf was majorly focused on keeping the tabs with Grace who was runnning behind him as well keeping an eye on the surroundings. 

mostly,  this part of the pack always remained unoccupied and uninhabited. only the patrol guards who are on patrol duty come here for rounds 3-4 times a day, rest its just bare,  only protected by the electric fences and hidden traps . its far from pack houses.

" Answer me " grace said again between breaths. 

Dimitri's face was indescribable at the time but he managed to keep his calm and kept running forward.

But again, the man was stopped in his tracks. he turned around to look around. his face subconsciously darkened as he glared at the person who dared to follow them but that person's face was hidden in the darkness.

Dimitri growled a little louder this time ,  threatening the other person to come forward but he remained unfazed. 

a min later , they were surrounded by 30 something rogue wolves.  Grace took a fighting stance but dimitri pulled her behind him.

" i will take care of them just stay near me " he whispered .his lips almost touching her ears. 

Dimitri knew whoever he was , he was here for Grace. so in no possible way he will let her do anything and before Grace could open her mouth again , Dimitri's voice ringed in her mind. 

"whoever it is ,they are testing you. so you better pretend like a weak human. do you understand me?  "

he said and she pressed her lips into a thin line nodding at dimitri . the rain was pouring more faster with the passing time. 

Dimitri looked back at where that man was once standing but he was gone by now. probably looking from somewhere else.  Dimitri didn't have time to find where he was. so he focused his attention on the rogues.

within a second few of them ran towards them while rest focused their attention on Grace.  after all she was what they were here for. 

Dimitri growled louder this time, the voices of birds and animals running away echoed in the forest , even the rogues halted in their track for a second but it lasted for a second and then they were back at it again. 

one of the rogues jumped towards grace ,  leaping in air but Dimitri was quick to push her behind him as his claws went deeper into the neck killing him on the spot. 

Grace was trembling in fear.  she was scared as they were outnumbered. 30 rogues vs 2 of them , where she was told to not fight. Grace knew that Dimitri was already heavily injured from last night fight.

Dimitri was still in his human form except his claws were out . he was killing everyone ruthlessly who were coming at them. she could hear bones crack- the sound of their bones being broken - and then making a small, pitiful, whimpering puppy voices . this continued in loop .

she looked at Dimitri who was fighting with a muddy color wolf and another wolf jumped on him but Dimitri was quick to dodge him and threw him off towards the tree . he wasn't dead yet but unconscious.

A red muddy color wolf attacked on grace from behind the tree but Dimitri was fast enough to shield her by his body. it was then at that moment one of the rogues successfully landed his claws on Dimitri's back.

A loud growl full of rage and anger was heard throughout the forest as Dimitri changed into his wolf form. Grace gasped in the beauty of his wolf. he was of a pure white color and his eyes was of blood shot red.  he was exactly opposite of what grace could ever imagine. 

Dimitri looked back at Grace for a second and then charged back to the wolf who attacked him.  he jumped over him as he ripped his heart out from his teeth. 

within a minute,  the number was halved. they circled them as Dimitri looked back at Grace,  checking for any sign of injuries. when he was confirmed that his mate was okay . he went back to the rogues. 

Grace closed her eyes in disbelief of what all was happening.  it was a blood bath. Dimitri's old wounds were opened up by now with all those fighting and yet he didn't stopped.  he was battling with three wolves at a time . it was at that moment when the mysterious man from a while back jumped down from the nearby tree where Dimitri was fighting the rogues .

he was carrying a silver knife in one hand as his eyes were focused on grace who was looking at him too. 

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