Chapter 5: Cursimian Roulette (Part 5/5)

Start from the beginning

          He perked at the sound of his name. "Oh, I didn't call-" He caught Mrs. Floyd's scowl, awkwardly clearing his throat. "The Council would like to argue this incident as evidence against Káel Aeric."

          Lady Samanthra sighed. "Evidence of what exactly?"

          "Malice," Mrs. Floyed hummed, "A student that actively puts their peers in harms way is entirely capable of willfully releasing an ancient Novan with shared hobbies."

          "Have we counted how many times he's attacked me yet?" Káel retorted, feeding off Mrs. Floyd's scowl. 

          She pressed her palms into the table, getting close enough to Káel to attack him with an abhorred concoction of floral scents. "Are you admitting to attacking this student, Mr. Aeric?"

          Káel kept his smile. "Are you reading between the lines, judge?"

          Mr. Skyfell loosed a chuckle when Mrs. Floyd landed a glare on him. "I couldn't have said that better myself."

          "We are not in court Mr. Aeric, as Lady Samanthra has chosen silence in light of this attack I am here to mediate Greine and Skyfell." She softened her tone, Káel wondering if she honestly thought that would make her words any less annoying. "Regardless of past histories, your actions were incredibly dangerous."

          "Tell that to the guy leaving headless animals outside my door."

          Buckethead snorted, his corked brow never faltering as he laughed at the accusation. "You're crazy, you know that? No wonder Elisious kept you a secret."

          "His majesty Elisious," Ariabella hissed, "Be careful who's story's you take it upon yourself to write. There are plenty of ways to rip out a page."

          "I ain't sneaking into the Silver house for something sick like that." Buckethead bit back, "I'm telling the truth, just ask that golem."

          "He believes his statements to be the truth," Stella confirmed, Káel's smile falling when he realised he still had a bigger problem harassing him.

          "Okay, maybe that's some other sicko," Káel sighed, the victory pricking Buckethead's lips grating at his patience. He had a backup at least. "Stella probably has an exact count of how many times he's called me a murderer though."

          "Thirty six," Stella chimed, a flare of content ringing in her voice.

          "Your job is reporting on Káel regarding his case against the Council, golem. No one gave you permission to speak," Mrs. Floyd bit back, Stella's glow dimming a little as she landed on Káel's shoulder.

          "The Council is currently arguing this as evidence against Káel Aeric's case, you gave her permission to speak," Ariabella replied, folding her hands as she propped her chin. "Did I miss the part where you and Mr. Greine swapped jobs? He seems to be doing an awful lot of listening."

          "I was collecting facts," Mr. Greine replied, driving the butt of his pen into an empty page to rhythmically scrape it in a circular motion. "To my understanding Káel, the student next to me called you a murderer."

          "Thirty six times."

          "Yes, and instead of reporting the issue, you used a malicious illusion on him?" Mr. Greine took Káel's silence as a que to keep going, his levelled voice holding a strange power over the room. "And instead of going to Lady Samanthra after your game, you broke his nose? What can we expect from you next if we turn a blind eye to this?"

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