50. His Journey

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Heyyyy y'alls! Hahah im happy to be back after 2 weeks :3 sorry i went on hiatus all of a sudden, my mid year exams came in. I got really stressed out over them as i really wanted to do well, so i ended up not having time to write. Next week i actually have 2 more papers, but issfine! I'll still manage to start uploading once a week again :P i'm not too sure when my prelims would start, but uhhh if u see me not posting again, yep that's when my prelims will start hahah. And the main attraction of all, my national exams :") That's the most crucial examinations of my entire secondary life, so pls when i stop uploading, i hope you understand.  Writing is a hobby for me, so i do not prioritize it so much ... But i do plan to finish this story before national exams so as to not keep y'all waiting on my story :) 

Alright i've said what i needed to say, carry on !! And pls don't forget to  vote, comment and give me a follow <3 

Carmen's POV 

We sat down on a random empty area inside the forest. The trees were not covering the moon, hence there was bright moonlight shining upon us. 

Kinda romantic tbh. But ugh jeez Carmen, not the time for that. 

We talked about what's been going on with Julios and I, as well as how Brian has been coping and making all the necessary preparations when we fly to America. 

I rested my head on his shoulder, but jolted back up when i felt his bones. 

"Have you not been eating well? You're literally a skeleton?"

"Ouch love, is that how you compliment my training efforts?" He pretended to be stabbed at the heart. 

"Training?" I raised an eyebrow. 

He rolled his eyes as he grabbed my hand and placed it underneath his shirt, forcing me to feel his abs. 

I blushed at the instant touch. 

"I-idiot! I didn't need to feel those!!" I  flushed. 

"Why're you getting so embarrassed for love?" He smirked as he gripped onto my hand tighter. 

He intertwined our fingers together, still underneath his shirt. His grip was firm, but he was careful not to hurt me with his strength.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

Maybe I just really haven't seen you in awhile...

I found the courage to let go and finally retract my hand back. Just then, his eyes revealed a hint of sadness at the loss of my touch before returning to his original expression. 

He sighed and laid down on the grass, staring up at the sky. 

"I was at the borders of Mexico." He began. 

"There were many small villages there and the villagers live outside the city, hence they didn't know who i was. Just know I was a passerby. It was very peaceful there. No executions. No riots. No treason. It kinda felt surreal, that such a huge town on the outskirts of Mexico, was living such a wonderful and simple life outside the city. It may me wonder you know? How could they not feel any anger." 

To a certain extent, i understood where he was coming from. Brian only ever wanted a happy family. With his mom, dad, and sister. 

But God had other plans. Perhaps, in his past life, he had already experienced his definition of a "happy family", and now, he had to experience the opposite, a life of betrayal, hatred, and bloodshed. He had to experience the pain that he had held off from his previous life, and it will just continue to crash down on him and destroy him. 

I decided not to think any further and continued listening to him. He lightly pulled my hand, signaling for me to lie with him. I smiled and held his hand in response and laid down on the grass beside him. 

"You were sayin?" I asked. 

"I stayed at a cheap ass hotel for the time being and the receptionist was an old lady...." 

Backtrack, to the outskirts of Mexico, Killa Hotel

Brian's POV 

I walked into the cheapest hotel i could find. It wasn't the most presentable, but as long as there was a bed, I was fine with it. 

I was greeted by just one old lady at the reception. 

"Welcome." She gave a warm smile. 

"Hi. I would like to book a room for a 2 weeks stay." 

"Oh my, so long? Aren't you a traveler? You should explore the inside of Mexico City, not waste your time in this boring old town." She giggled. 

"Nah I'm good, I'm here for other reasons." 

She nodded her head, respecting my silent message of not wanting to speak any further.

I paid her the necessary amount and she gave me the room key to the highest level. 

I thanked her and left to look for my room. 




The remaining hours was left with me staying inside and taking as much as rest as I could. I much rather do things at night then afternoons, so i use my afternoon time to rest. Before midnight, I have to cover my tracks from the government, as well as hacking into the Blood Dragon's communication system. Not only that, i have to somehow get us flights to America and create fake identities and obtain a weapon shipment from the underground. 

I groaned at the many amount of work i have to do. 

My first priority though, is to get those weapons so that i could start training. I have not seriously trained my stamina and utility of weapons in awhile. The time at the Army can't count, it was too easy. 

Just then, there was a knock on the door. 

I got up and opened it. There revealed that old lady once more. 

"Can i help you?" 

"Why yes. I can see you're a really strong man. It's rude of me to ask a guest, but i'm having difficulties a light issue. Can you please help me?"

"Is there no technician? Or employees." 

She lowered down her head in shame. "This place is bound to close in a months' time, who would want to work here.." 

I softened my gaze. Not to be rude, but i can see why this place could not survive for long. 

I chuckled and gave her pat on the shoulder. 

"I don't mind. Show me the way granny." 




The rest of the day, i helped her with all the technical issues in the hotel. Turns out her business has been failing, hence she didn't have enough money to call for a technician. She was a really nice woman, and she was a great company. Her hotel was actually cozy, it just lacked the appearance. 

By the night time, i was exhausted from all the work i had done, but it was fulfilling if you asked me. 

I wanted to ask about her family too. But i knew that would be out of line, so i kept my mouth shut. Her soft warm smile could bring comfort and happiness to anybody who sees it, but I could tell, she was actually lonely on the inside. 

She was craving an atmosphere of laughter surrounding her. 

I went back to my room and plopped down. 

Holding off the mission for another day wouldn't hurt right? 

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