Season 7 ep 2

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"I want a new job that pays more so I'll be looking for a new one" said Fiona "we can give you a rise" said the boss "okay I'll think about it" said Fiona and then went back to work "wait hire whoever you want" said the boss so then Fiona did

Frank is better and kev was happy about that and then frank starts not liking his kids for kicking him out but Liam is the only loyal kid he has while you are a ass for not letting him see his grand kids "come on the are my blood" said frank "I'm the mother" said Tatum and then shut the door in his face Debbie takes Frank's card and tells her about it and how he knows and then Debbie tells Liam about frank

Frank sleeps in the living room and then the family starts planning about taking him out

Frank takes Liam to the bar and gets a new girlfriend

You are at the bar with the girls while kev is cleaning the house "come on shut up and help me get this out" said Tatum and then v came over to help you and then you got the beer put away while the girls was sleeping upstairs kev v and sevtlana are working as mads for extra money Ian isn't talking to Caleb anymore lip starts his new job and dealing with his AA help and Debbie is going a spam for money

"Hey come on let me see the kids" said Carl "I'm okay let me in" said Carl and then you opened the door and rylee went running to him "DADDY" yelled rylee and he picked her up and walked in "hey" said Tatum "are you okay with this"said Carl "yeah" said Tatum "where is rose" asked Carl "sleeping in my room" said Tatum "oh okay" said Carl "daddy look what mommy got me" said rylee and went to show him her new doll house "that's cool baby" said Carl and then rose started crying so you went and got her "Here she is" said Tatum walking back down with her and handing her to him "hey rose wow you look just like me" said Carl "yeah I know" said Tatum and then you guys sat down with him while rylee played and rose was sleeping in his arms

And frank and his girlfriend are passed out on the Gallagher house

Fisher-hall family Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora