Season 1 ep 7

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"Can you watch the truck so I can call for help" said the guy for the delivery and then lip looked at Ian "I'll call v and KEV you call Fiona and them" said lip "okay" said Ian and they called everyone and we all showed up and got everything out of the truck and then left so no one would know it was them

Frank owns someone 6000 dollars but he doesn't want to pay it and he has people showing up at the house for him so Fiona threats them with the bat and they leave

"What are you doing with the card" said Carl "what card" said Carl "I don't have a card" said Carl "I'm going to kill hom" said Fiona and frank is stealing things from old people at the Atm

But while you are at grandma hosue Mickey takes the gun from the store Ian works at and his the owner wife but a camera in so now Ian and the owner have to be more careful doing the things they do when she isn't there with his kids

Then Steve asks shelia if she can watch Liam and she says yes so you go over with Liam do KEV and v can have a date night

While you are with shelia and Liam gets out and you have to go get him because Shelia doesn't go outside Ian goes to get the gun back from Mickey but he isn't home but he tries to get it back anyway and then Mandy gets him to leave so Mickey doesn't get mad at him

"How would you feel if we foster a kid" asked v "another kid living with us" said Tatum "yeah" said KEV "sure" said Tatum "but I don't want to share a room" said Tatum "you won't have to" said KEV "good" said Tatum and then you went to play with Debbie outside till dinner

Then while you was at the Gallagher's house frank came in "we are going to take my death so I don't have to pay them back" said frank "why" said Tatum "becaue" said frank and then Debbie gets the dry cleaner meat for a suit for frank to wear and lip and Ian gets the hearse and v and frank get drugs so they can act like frank is dead

Ian and his boss try to have sex without showing the camera what they are doing but the camera can move snd it sees them having sex

Then Ian goes to get the gun again from Mickey and he found a crowbar in the porch so he uses it to wake him up and demand for the gun back now Ian hits Mickey and then mickeys get the crowbar and sits on top of Ian and they end up having sex and then Terry walks in on them in bed "put on some cloths" said Terry and walked out while Ian is putting his clothes on Mickey gives the gun back to him "you kiss me I'll fucking cut your tongue out" said Mickey and Ian left to go back to the store

The people that frank owns the money go to the bar and KEV tells him that frank is dead and Fiona and Steve go back to the house and they walk inside and Debbie snd you tell them the plan and then Steve hits frank knocking me out "about time" said Tatum "be nice" said Fiona "sorry" said Tatum and then they looked down at him

"Well let's put him in the casket" said Fiona so you all helped to put him in there and the guy walked in and saw frank lying there and walks over and slaps him but he doesn't do anything so you all look at the guy and then they called the boss and said to stay with the body till he is buried and then Carl walked out the house and throw a ball though the window of the guys car and he had to go outside

While he was outside we switch him with meat and carried the casket out to the car

(Linda sees the record and saw that they were having sex and shows her husband and then Ian walked in to the store and Linda slapped him and then tells her husband that he can't have sex with Ian till she gets pregnant again and they didn't fire him and that Ian can do better and then Ian put the gun down and walks out)

(Shelia throws her pills away)

Then we end up at the bar for the wake for frank "I hope the afterlife takes care of him" said KEV and then the guy left that frank owned the money too and frank came out from the hiding at now that frank is Drunk and falls into the tv and breaks it

"That was going to be mine" said Tatum "sorry" said frank getting up "this sucks" said Tatum and then he payed for a new one in Liam name

And then you had to get ready to go see your grandma for her birthday "why do I have to go" said Tatum "because she wants us there" said v "sorry but we have to do" said KEV "ugh" said Tatum and then you all left and went to your grandma house

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