Season 1 ep 4

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You were in your room because you didn't know what else to do today and then you saw Debbie going inside the Gallagher's house with a baby so you went over there and went up to see Debbie

"Whos kid" said Tatum "I took him from a party" said Debbie "you have to take him back" said Tatum "no" said Debbie "I'm telling" said Tatum and you went down to Fiona "Debbie kidnapped a kid from a party" said Tatum "what" said Fiona "she has the kid in her room" said Tatum and Fiona went upstairs and then told everyone that we have to get the kid back to where it came from

"Ian and lip go to the water heater and make sure no cops see" said Fiona "okay" said lip and then they left

"Why did you take him" said Fiona "his parents wasn't playing with him" said Debbie "wow" said Fiona snd then lip came up with a game back to get the kid back to the party

And Debbie gets 750 dollars for getting the kid back to his parents but they use the money to get the water heater "I have to go home" said Tatum "don't tell that we kidnapped the baby" said Fiona "I won't" said Tatum and then you left

And then Steve bought Debbie a baby doll so she can take care of it so she doesn't take a kid agian

Then you went to the bar so you could hang out with your mom while she was working "mom can I ask you something" said Tatum "yes baby" said v "why aren't you and dad married" said Tatum "because we didn't get married before you came" said v "okay" said Tatum "okay" said v

In the mid while Karen has sex with frank while recording it on the internet and then her dad moved back into the house and frank and him talk about the things that Sheila wants to do while having sex with frank

"I'm getting married" said KEV "you are marrying mommy" said Tatum "I forget you was here" said KEV "so are you or no" said Tatum "yeah baby" said KEV "good" said Tatum and then you guys sat there waiting for your mom to come back to the bar from the house

And then frank tells everyone in the bar that they are getting married and happens to tell your grandma that too "hey grandma" said Tatum "hey" said KEV "so you are marrying my daughter" said your grandma "sure" said KEV and then all sat there

And then your grandma takes you home so KEV can keep the bar open and v puts you to bed and then your dad gets drunk and comes home "shh Tate is sleeping"said v "marry me" said KEV "what" said v and then he gets down on one kneee "will you marry Me" said KEV "yes" said v and they kissed and then found out later that he was already married to someone else

"So mom I have a step mom" said Tatum "no you have me and only me" said v "good because I don't want dad to be without you" said Tatum "I'm not going anywhere" said v and hugged you "I love you" said Tatum "I love you too" said v

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