Season 3 ep 8

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"We have to keep the house" said Fiona "we can't not live by each other" said v "so what are we going to do" said Tatum "we are going to fight to keep the house" said lip "what's the plan" said Tatum "we fight" said Fiona

Then he walks in "dinner is done" yelled v and Fiona and we all went running in to the kitchen and while Patrick was sitting down carol put something in his food but he didn't die So you looked at him and shake your head and Fiona was acting like he didn't do anything

Fiona and jimmy got a new job at the city waste but jimmy soon quits and works at a coffee shop

While at school you and Debbie and carol was walking down the hall carol grabbed a kid and pushed him into the lockers and then he held him there "come on Tatum hit him" said carol so you and Debbie stopped and then you kicked the kid and then walked away with Ian and Debbie and went to class like nothing happened

Shelia kicks frank out of her house and he has to go to court for his drinking and he gets some new friends while doing that

Karen and lip got into a fight and then Mandy moved out of the Gallagher House and lip and Karen had sex again and Shelia and Karen with to a group for Down syndrome kids and Karen asked her baby daddy's parents to come and take the kid so she can go home

"Okay tate time to go play with Debbie" said v "is dad having sex with grandma again" asked Tatum "just go" said v so you walked over to the Gallagher house to hang out with Debbie while they did that but carol is starting to flirt with you "hey Tate how are you doing" said carol "I'm good how are you" said Tatum winking at carol "shut up you 2" said Debbie and pulled you up stairs

But while you was upstairs you and Debbie and carol hear the cops so you and carol take off and jumped out the window and went running down the street because you guys got in a big fight out in the school and they didn't know if they found them or not

But Debbie told the cops that Patrick sexual assault her and they took him

And then Debbie came out to find out where you guys were and brought you guys home and then you all went to sleep in Debbies room while everyone else was down stairs

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