Season 1 ep 10

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They found Monica and she took over to be the caretaker of the kids and Fiona didn't like that But she couldn't do anything about it

You just got ungrounded so you went over to the Gallagher's house to see if Debbie wanted to hang out but you over hear Monica telling frank she wants to take Liam to be a family

So you walked out and went home to your dad and v want you just hear and then they came over to talk to Fiona

But Fiona moved in with Steve next door

Bob and Monica take Liam somewhere while lip and Ian watched them afar and lip asked Ian about his love life so they talked about it while they watched and then you came out of your house and saw them and walked over to them "what you guys doing" said Tatum "doing nothing" said Ian "go away" said lip and then you walked back to your house and sat down with a book

Bob and Monica take Liam to get a DNA test and they found out that frank is really Liam dad and then they have a plan to get frank to give them Liam And then after they leave lip and Ian do a DNA test

Then Debbie came down to your house "what you doing" said Debbie "reading" said Tatum "that's good" said Debbie "yeah do you need soemtjing0 said Tatum "what to play" said Debbie "yeah" said Tatum and she put the book down and went into the yard to play

Then the kids find frank at the bar and tell frank that they got Liam a test to see who the dad was and lip tells him that Liam is his and lip hits frank "you are disgusted" said Fiona and they walked back to the house

At the Gallagher's house the family is having dinner with Steve and lip came in late with the test saying that lip is Frank's but Ian ISNT and then Ian tells frank that he isn't his dad and that his dad may be Frank's brother because they are in the same dna "so you have 3 kids" said Fiona "guess so" said frank "I was doing pcp and I may have slept with him" said Monica and the bob breaks up with Monica

The Gallagher's and you and KEV snd v are all at Steve's house watching Monica and bob packing not knowing if they can take Liam with them and then Monica gives Fiona Liam and then they leave "well we get Liam that's good" said Tatum "yeah and she wasn't going to take him" said Fiona snd we walked inside and finish eating

And then you and KEV and v went back home snd they put you to bed and then they went to bed after cleaning the house

Fisher-hall family Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora