Season 5 ep 6

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Jimmy showed back up while you was watching Liam and had rylee he walked in and saw you "where is Fiona" said jimmy "why rylee and Liam are sleeping and if you wake them up I will kill you" said Tatum "where is Fiona" whisper jimmy "call her" said Tatum so then he called her and she didn't answer so he waiting there for her to get home

When she got home and saw jimmy "what the hell are you doing here get out" yelled Fiona and that made rylee start crying and she looked back at you and lipped the words I'm sorry and then kicked jimmy out "I told him to leave but he didn't" said Tatum "it's cool you should get her to bed and get some sleep" said Fiona and kissed both of you and you went home and then Fiona went to see Ian at mickeys house

But when she got there she didn't see Ian and found out that Ian took his baby and left and jimmy isn't leaving him alone

Sami takes over the Gallagher house and makes new rules for everyone

And we started high school but you are home schooled and Debbie isn't and Derek helps her out while she is there

V and kev are broken up and you and v are living in the house with the girls while kev is staying in the bar but she feels so bad about it she doesn't know if she did the right thing or not

And Sami is doing touch love o. Frank which isn't really working and frank stops taking his pills for his liver

They got Ian and the baby and we send Ian to get some help and everyone came to tell him bye for now which was hard on Mickey and on the family

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