Season 4 ep 4

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You,Fiona,v,kev,lip,Debbie,Liam were on the train "okay kids this is your stop" said Fiona "be good" yelled v as we all got off the trian and then the next stop v and kev got off and robbie got on and the next thing Fiona knows is they are getting it on And then they both get off

"You can't keep having sex with your boyfriends brother" said v "I know but I can't just stop" said Fiona and then you walked into the house "hey mom dad I'm home" yelled Tatum "we are in here" yelled v and you walked back in "where is dad" asked Tatum "at the bar" said v "okay I'll be in my room" said Tatum and went upstairs and then Fiona leaves to go home and spend time with the kids but it doesn't work out and Robbie is still texting Fiona but Fiona doesn't want this to stop but she goes to his place and tells him to leave her alone but they end up in bed and then Mike comes to visit and Fiona has to grab her clothes and go into the kitchen and Fiona leaves after Mike but Robbie calls Fiona his girlfriends and v still trying to get Fiona to stop all of this

You are with Carl making out in his room when lip walked in "stop that and go somewhere else I need the room" said lip "why" said Carl "because no go" said lip and then you and Carl went down stairs and sat on the couch Frank needs a liver but can't get Insurance and Sam and frank are really close but Frank is going to get Shelia to give him what he wants but he couldn't get Shelia to open the door so he came over to the house "Carl break my leg" said frank "can I post it on YouTube" said Carl "sure" said frank "okay" said Carl and then Carl and frank did what they needed while you went upstairs to debbies room and Carl breaks Frank's knee frank and Sam Ate not a match and that is when frank tells Sam that he is her dad and Sam Kicks him out

Lip was late to class and he can't take the test so lip goes to the dean for help but the dean is no help and lip goes and breaks car windows and he ends up at mandys house telling her he misses her and they find out that her boyfriend isn't there so they have sex and lip tells her to roll the dice and sees what happen

You are at the bar with your dad doing homework while v was at home sleeping kev and lip got into a fight and lip goes back to school where the dean lets him take the test "dad you could have been nicer" said Tatum "I could but he needed to go back" said kev "yeah yeah" said Tatum getting up to go to the bathroom

Mickey is dragging Svetlana "be nice to her mick" yelled Tatum "shut up Tate" yelled Mickey and you kept walking and Mickey goes to her boss to tell him to pay her more and Mickey goes on to tell the guy that she is a hooker and not a slave and then Mickey takes everyone and says that no one is getting laid till Mickey is getting paid

Debbie and holly are hanging out because you and Carl are at the park beating kids up when Debbie tells holly that her boyfriend doesn't want to have sex with her and Mandy tells her to send him some dirty pics and then when they met she tries to have sex but he stops it and then she was In the bathroom she asked a dude if he wanted her but Debbie backs out

Mickey goes to the store and gets his wife's boss to pay more but that doesn't work out for him and Mickey has the girls living at the house with him and that just makes them all mad

"They could do the jobs in the apartment above the bar" said kev "no" said v "hookers in the bar" said Tatum and then Mickey walks in "we will pay rent" said Mickey "yes you got a deal" said v "yes" said kev "wow this is gonna end bad" said Tatum and then they started talking about business

"We will charge 50" said Mickey "I think we should do 17" said one of the girls "50 it is" said v and then they all watch Stelto saying things that no one could understand lol

"I'm not doing 50" said a guy "fine we have to change it" said kev and then Stans son came in and theathed him for the money he owns "get a girl" said kev and then the girl gave him a handjob and kev gets 100 for that

Frank is in the bar "how's your knee" said Tatum "goodl said frank "good" said Tatum and the Samantha walked in and they started talking about how she always wanted a dad growing up and frank buys her a beer while looking at pictures

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