Chapter 34

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter will contain scenes depicting wounds to someone's wrists and legs, and will depict a few scenes containing blood.


All three of their heads snapped over to James, where he stood right outside his door, arms crossed.

"Perfect, now you and your boyfriend can clean your shit off my lawn." He said, obviously to Addison.

Without a thought, Noah jumped up. He stormed over to James. He heard his heartbeat in his ears, saw red, felt his jaw clenching.

James had a smirk on his face as he watched Noah approach. James knew he wouldn't do anything. Noah hadn't so much as talked to him since everything happened. James was confident if Noah didn't try to kick his ass after he fucked his fiancée, then he wouldn't do anything now.

But that went out the window when Noah reached James, put a hand around his throat, and pushed him up against his door.

The force knocked the wind out of James and he stood there choking on air, trying to get his breath back.

"Do you wake up each day and decide to be a piece of fucking garbage?" Noah seethed. He stood in front of James, pushing him into the door.

Addison and Megan watched in horror, unable to move.

"Have you ever been my friend?" James was still struggling to breathe, clawing at Noah's hand. "First, you take Addison that first night we met her, even though I had met her first. And I let you because I thought it was what she wanted."

That hurt Megan, but she knew she didn't deserve to feel that pain after everything she'd done to Noah.

"Then you fuck my fiancée for almost a year." Noah's rage was spreading through his body, the more he talked the more infuriated he became. "Then you hurt Addison over and over again. What has she ever done to you, but love you when you didn't deserve it?"

James finally collected himself and pushed Noah hard, Noah stumbled back a step, still standing.

"Then as if that wasn't enough you burn all her shit? Her most prized possessions? All her memories?" Noah seethed.

Addison felt faint as she sat there on the ground, but she couldn't stop staring at Noah.

James shrugged, "She shouldn't have fucked my best friend."

Noah threw his head back in disbelief and then raised his head to look at James again.

"Do you understand how psychotic you sound?!" He yelled. "You cheated on her! You're the bad guy! Nothing she ever does on her own, single, time will ever be worse than that." Noah stepped back up into James' face. 

"What are you going to do Noah, hit me?" James asked. Noah remained standing in James' face. "Go ahead Noah, I'd love to file some assault charges today." He threatened as if that would stop Noah.

Noah's fist reared back and connected with James' face. It slammed James back into his door, head smacking the wood. He fell to his knees clutching his broken nose.

"You stupid motherfucker, I'm going to call the cops!" He yelled behind the blood falling from his nostrils.

"Go ahead, James. When they get here you can explain that bruise on Addison's wrist." He said, pointing down at her. James looked up at Noah, he knew he'd lost.

The comment hit Megan like a truck. How did James give Addison a bruise?

Addison looked down at her own wrist as if she had forgotten about the bruise. But she couldn't see it behind all the blood covering it. 

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