Chapter 19

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Megan tore her room apart, she knew she couldn't have possibly lost it. Her favorite family album was missing, and she was a psycho about sentimental photos. She had already ripped everything out of her closet and the suitcases that were still unpacked from Noah's house.

Well, now they're unpacked. She thought to herself. Unpacked all over the floor.

She had been lying in bed, ready to go to sleep around nine o'clock when she got the urge to look through her family photos. She'd rather reminisce on good memories of growing up than linger in her misery.

After she had seen James the other night he hadn't spoken to her. He ignored her texts and calls, and she was going insane.

She threw herself onto the bed. There was no way the album was here, which meant there was only one place it could be.

Megan was up and out of the house before she could change her mind. She'd go get the album from Noah and go see James. He'd have to let her spend the night, it would be too late by then for him to send her driving an hour away.

Megan smiled as she turned on her car.

Noah yawned. He was exhausted. Up and out of the house around four in the morning, and now driving through the dark, winding his way up his road at ten. His headlights filled the living room as he pulled in, inside Addison breathed a sigh of relief.

Her wrist didn't hurt anymore, but there was a gnarly bruise that had formed. She wasn't surprised, her entire life she's bruised easily. She took another big sip of wine. It was her third glass, which meant she was feeling it.

She got up to greet Noah at the door.

He smiled when he saw her. She was standing there with her hands behind her back, smiling at him. He tried not to let his eyes linger, but she looked delicious. With her pink pajama set on he couldn't imagine she'd ever looked cuter. Her shorts hugged her hips and were very short. Her button-up top was cropped revealing a sliver of her torso visible as she stood there. The top few buttons undone.

He cleared his throat, his mind was already foggy enough without her body distracting him.

"How was your day?" She asked him as he sat down his work bag and slipped off his shoes.

"Long and boring." He said, shooting her a smile.

Her breath caught in her throat, he was so handsome. His bright blue eyes against his pale skin and jet black hair. He was an Adonis.

She shook the thought away. "Want some wine?"

He laughed as she almost tripped when she took a step towards the kitchen.

She smiled sheepishly at him "I may have already had a couple glasses."

He followed her into the kitchen. Addison was a lightweight. She didn't appear drunk, but he could tell she was buzzing.

They walked into the kitchen and she poured him a glass of wine and handed it to him. She was careful to hide her wrist from his view. She hadn't thought about it until he got home, but she should've put a long sleeve on.

He stood in front of the fridge. She backed up until she was leaning against the island, the short side with no stools in front. He was across from her a few feet.

"How was your day?" He asked her after he took a large swig of the wine. He set it down on the counter to his right.

She laughed.

"Well it started out amazing," he smiled as she told him about her relaxing morning with the coffee he made her. He took off his suit jacket as she talked.

"After I showered I sat down with my laptop," she lost her train of thought as he started loosening his tie and rolling up the sleeves of his expensive shirt to reveal his muscular forearms.

He looked up at her as if to tell her to continue with her story.

She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts and laughed. "I was writing and everything was just flowing, it's hard to describe." He loved when she talked about writing. He knew she loved it by the way her face lit up. Her eyes shined and her smile was contagious. He finished rolling his sleeves and leaned against the fridge, arms crossed.

"And then there was a knock and it was Mrs. Hawke, I talked with her for a few minutes." Addison sighed. "She looked really surprised when I answered the door, and I could just tell she was judging me as if I was a homewrecker to you and Megan." Addison rolled her eyes.

"You can't worry about what other people think, Addy." Her stomach flipped when he called her that. James used to call her that too, but her body didn't react to him the same way.

"I know," she sighed. "Anyway, she wanted me to tell you that Rosie had puppies and she wanted to know if you wanted one."

He smiled, "Hell yeah I want one." He stood upright, excited.

Addison smiled, "You can go over there and tell her tomorrow! I don't think they're ready to leave Rosie yet, but that's only until they're eight weeks old."

Noah nodded. Addison's smile faded a bit.

"What's wrong?"

Addison sighed. "After Mrs. Hawke left there was a knock on the door like five minutes later, so I assumed it was her bringing one of the puppies back to see. So I didn't even check before I opened the door and it was James."

Noah's jaw clenched.

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