Chapter 6

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Noah wandered into the kitchen the next morning almost expecting to see Megan sitting on the patio with a cup of coffee in her hand. Not the kind he likes, he had to make his because she refused to learn to grind the beans fresh every morning.

But instead he was met with Addison's back to him as she stood in front of the stove.

Noah's eyes wandered to the lower hem of his shirt she was wearing. He tried to give her some of Megan's pajamas to wear, since she just had her sundress, but she was so mad at Megan she couldn't bear to wear her clothes.

Noah noticed that the shirt barely covered Addison's very well defined bottom. A simple reach up to get something out of a cabinet would reveal it.

He looked away, feeling guilty. As if he was cheating on Megan by looking at Addison. He nearly rolled his eyes at the irony.

Addison turned around and immediately jumped and clutched her chest.

"Oh, Noah! You scared the shit out of me." She smiled and approached the island, where he was standing across from her. Noah slid onto the barstool.

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly. "I didn't mean to, I just woke up."

"Well I found coffee beans and K-cups, I wasn't sure what you liked so I made the beans."

Noah smiled. "You didn't have to do that."

She laughed, "Please, it's not like I bought the coffee, I just made it." She walked back to the cabinet and reached up to grab a coffee mug.

Noah felt his body heat up as he saw the shirt slide up to reveal a bit of bikini bottom tan line. Addison didn't notice.

He tried to avert his gaze when she turned around.

"Do you want this coffee or I can make a K-Cup?"

"The beans are mine, Megan hates strong coffee."

Addison nodded and grabbed the coffee pot. "I hope you like omelettes." She said as she handed him his coffee.

"I like any food that is made for me." Noah said just before he sipped his coffee.

Addison laughed and set his plate in front of him with a fork. "You had a lot of veggies about to go bad in your fridge so I put most of them into the omelette."

She grabbed her own plate and sat next to Noah.

"I'm pretty sure the guest isn't supposed to be the one making coffee and breakfast, I think it's the other way around." Noah smiled down at her as he chewed the bite he had just taken.

Addison smiled back. "As much as we're both at each other's houses, I don't think anyone's a guest anymore. We're family."

Noah nodded, that's fair.


Addison walked back downstairs in her sundress from the day before, finding Noah watching the Saturday morning news.

He met her eyes from where she was standing at the edge of the steps.

She let out a sigh. "I need to go home."

He nodded.

"I need to at least change, but I also need to talk to James." She looked down.

Noah got up and stood in front of her. "Will you be okay?" He placed his hand on her arm.

She looked up at him and nodded. "If I go over there Megan will leave, that's if she's still there anyway." But they both knew she would be. "That means she'll come back here." Addison tilted her head to the side as she looked into Noah's sad eyes. "Will that be okay? Because I can stay for a bit longer if you want."

Noah smiled, "No, I'll be okay. You go do what you need to do. Text me if you need anything."

Addison nodded "You do the same." She started to walk past Noah, but turned around. "Noah, do you think you'll stay with her?" They were engaged after all.

Noah paused for a moment. "I really don't know. I'm so hurt, but I still love her."

Addison nodded. "I understand. I still love James." Those feelings don't vanish after one night. Addison continued to walk to the back patio door, but turned around one last time. "Noah?"

"Yeah?" He said as he turned to face her across the room.

"You deserve better than feeling like this." Noah nodded.

"Addy, so do you."

She smiled a small smile at him, and walked out of the door.

Addison made sure to make as much noise as she possibly could as she approached her car, in hopes Megan would leave before she had to interact with her.

Addison went to her car before going into the house so she could grab the undergarments she had left in it the night before. As she packed them into her purse she pondered on how far away that time felt, when she slid them off to surprise James with her body.

She held back tears and slammed the car door.

Inside, James and Megan were in the kitchen twiddling their thumbs over shitty coffee. James never made it because Addison always did. He never learned how to use their French Press and didn't feel like looking it up this morning.

They heard a car door slam and James' head snapped to look outside. Addison was slowly leaving her car and approaching the front door.

He turned to Megan. "Get out."

She scurried to the back door and was out before Addison opened the front.

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