Chapter 23

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Addison filled the tub with warm water and some bubbles with a lavender scent, hoping they would help calm Megan down.

She was on the floor sitting against the cabinets, crying.

She hadn't said anything since they had found her. Just alternated between crying and being silent. Addison wasn't sure if it was the rhythmic sound of the tub filling or the lavender, but Megan seemed to be coming back into her body. She was still crying but seemed to be able to keep her eyes open and remain conscious.

Addison carefully took Megan's watch off her wrist and set it on the counter and then helped Megan out of her clothes. Addison guided her into the tub.

Addison went to the shower and grabbed the hair care and body scrubs for Megan, setting them on the edge of the bathtub.

She was afraid to leave Megan alone, she didn't want to chance Megan passing out in the water. She waited a moment to see if Megan would be able to wash her own hair but she made no moves to do so. She just stared blankly ahead, head slightly bobbing with intoxication.

Addison sighed and grabbed a cup off the counter and started washing Megan's hair like you would a child.

They were both silent.

Noah sat on the edge of Addison's bed. He couldn't believe how well Addison was handling this.

The moment he had seen Megan on his patio his first reaction had been annoyance. He didn't want to have to deal with her anymore. But she was obviously in need of help and Addison swooped in to save her.

Was it because they had been best friends at one point, or was that just simply the person Addison was? The girl who would help her enemy if the situation called for it?

Noah could hear the water sloshing in the tub.

He didn't know that he would be able to do the same thing for James if he had been the one nearly passed out drunk.

Noah considered that Addison would probably help James, too. She was just kind.

But Noah couldn't imagine the pain Addison was in. She hadn't spoken to Megan since that day she found Megan in her bed, so to see her now, vulnerable, and to be the one who had to take care of her, she must be hurting.

Noah could only imagine all the thoughts going through Addison's head. All the questions she had for Megan.

James grabbing at her earlier and leaving a mark, and now this. Couldn't these people stop hurting her?

Noah heard the tub draining and jumped up to make sure he was out of the room when they entered again. He wasn't sure if Addison would be mad he had stayed.

He went to get back in his own bed but left the door open in case Addison needed him.

After Megan was dry Addison grabbed some pajamas for her to wear and helped her get in bed. She positioned Megan to lay down in the bed on her side and pulled the covers up.

Megan looked up at Addison, a bit more sober than when she arrived. There were tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

Addison nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

She backed up against the wall of the hallway and slid down as her lip started to quiver. She couldn't do this anymore. Between Megan and James, it was like Addison never had a break. They were either texting her and begging for forgiveness or showing up at her door.

Addison covered her face with her hands. How many times could they make her cry?

The day had started off so great, and now both James and Megan had ruined it.

She dragged her hands down her face and saw out of the corner of her eye that Noah's bedroom door was open. He never left it open at night.

Had he left it open for her?

She contemplated her options for a moment. She could not emotionally handle sleeping in the same bed as Megan tonight. She could sleep on the couch, but she didn't want to be alone.

Noah wasn't asleep. He just lay in his bed staring out of the window at the water below. He heard the floor creak by his door and looked up to see Addison standing there.

He smiled at her, but she could see the pity in his eyes.

Addison stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. She crossed to the other side of the bed and lifted the covers and got in silently. Once in bed, Noah turned on his side to face her and she slid over until she was in his arms, and he held her as she sobbed.

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