Chapter 3

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They sat together on the floor, their backs against the side of Noah and Megan's bed, staring at the setting sun through the balcony door.

It had been an hour since Addison told Noah what she had seen. The steam, the wet bed, Megan's long brown hair splayed out while James covered her body with his.

"I don't understand how this happened." Noah remarked.

Addison tilted her head back to rest against the comforter. "Where did you think she had gone?"

He shook his head. "I didn't know she wasn't at home. I was with my mom, helping her move into a new apartment. I thought it would take all day so Megan insisted I stay over there tonight so I wouldn't be driving out of the city too late. But my brother got off work and was able to come help. It took half the time." Noah was wringing his hands where his wrists rested on his bent knees. "I had just walked through the front door when I heard James shouting in the back. I thought something was wrong."

Addison nodded her head. She was so thankful he had found them. Not only did it save her from having to break the news to him, and risk him not believing her, but he saved her from having to face them alone.

"Where did James think you were?"

She explained how she had just closed on her apartment and he insisted she stay in the city, but that she finished early and wanted to surprise him.

"Noah?" Her voice caught when she turned to look up at him. He did the same. "Do you think this was a one time mistake?"

His heart gave a painful squeeze. Not only for his loss, but for hers. Because he knew the answer. If both James and Megan insisted that he and Addison both stay in the city tonight doing their respective errands, it's probably because they planned to spend the night together.

He could see Addison had the same fear, but her eyes were pleading with him to tell her what she wanted to hear. So he just said, "I'm not sure."

4 Years Prior

Addison finished tabbing out one of her regulars and saw Noah's glass was almost empty.

She walked to stand in front of him again.

"Want a refill?" She asked and before he could respond, hands clapped on his shoulders.

"Hey bitch." A man said behind him.

Addison knew he wasn't talking to her. The man looked up at her as Noah rolled his eyes.

The man's eyes lit when he saw her, as he took his seat next to Noah he flashed her a grin.

He was attractive, just like Noah. Although they were different. This man's eyes were hazel with hints of green, his hair a golden blond.

"What's your name sweetheart?

"Sorry about my friend here," Noah started, jabbing a thumb towards the man, "he never learned to read."

Addison laughed.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken, Noah." The man said as he nudged Noah. "It's just that I was so caught up in her eyes, I hadn't made it down to her name tag yet." The man smiled at her, "It seems I'm just not as quick to look at a woman's chest as my friend Noah is."

Addison laughed and asked the man what he'd like to drink.

"We'll take a two shots of tequila, my darling." Noah raised his eyebrows and motioned towards the man.

"See Addison, I told you he'd make me take shots once he got here."

She brought two glasses onto the counter from where they were stored under the bar and tipped the bottle over them.

"Well Noah, I must say it's so nice to hear you were already talking me up before I even got here." The man said, Noah playfully rolled his eyes and both men grabbed their shots. Once they took them James motioned for two more. "And while you're doing that Miss Addison, pour yourself one, on us."

She smiled as she finished pouring their second round. "Thank you so much for the offer, but I don't drink on the clock." She winked at him.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to wait until you're off then." He shot her a wicked smile.

She smiled back. "I guess so." Both men were flirting with her, which can either mean she's leaving with huge tips or that there'll be a fight tonight. It was always a thin line between the two.

The man reached his hand out to shake. "James."

Noah faked a smile, he already knew how this night was going to go. James would end up either going home with Addison, or at the very least getting her number to take her out another time. It didn't matter that Noah saw Addison first, or that he immediately liked her. James never had any decency to abide by dibs.

It's not that Noah saw women as something he could "have," of course he'd only have pursued Addison if she expressed interest in him. He'd just like to get the chance to shoot his shot with a girl before James came in and swept her off her feet. In short, single James was the worst wingman.

Noah watched as Addison helped other customers, pretending to listen as James droned in his ear about work.

Addison's long blond hair flowed in waves down her back, sometimes a few locks falling into her face as she worked. Her eyes were a pale blue that matched her pale skin.

Noah liked her smile and how she seemed to have a story behind her eyes.

But it didn't matter, because James had obviously set his sights.

Heat in the HamptonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora