Chapter 32

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Noah shut the back hatch of his SUV as Addison settled in for the long drive back to Noah's beach house. 

"Ready?" He asked as he got in on the driver's side and buckled his seat belt.

Addison cringed slightly, "If Megan and James leave me alone, then yes I'm ready to go back."

Noah pulled onto the road and shook his head. "I won't let them bother you anymore."

Addison smiled, she hoped that was true. But she also resented the fact that Noah was even put in this position. You'd think after cheating they'd have the decency to leave Addison and Noah alone. 

"Do you think we'll be able to grab my stuff from James' house soon?" Addison asked, she had been putting it off for too long and it was time.

Now that she and Noah had been together, she wanted to leave James completely behind. 

Noah shrugged, "Whenever you'd like to, baby." Addison felt butterflies erupt in her when he said that, he'd never used a pet name before. Noah looked at her out of the side of his eye, wincing. "Was that too much?"

She grabbed his hand which was resting on the shifter and brought it to her lap, "Of course not, I love it."

They hadn't defined their relationship, so neither knew where the other stood completely. They both knew they had feelings for each other, and they both loved the other. But even though they'd known each other for four years, they'd only been building their friendship for a few weeks and only been intimate for less than a week.

Noah didn't want to push too hard, but he wanted to let Addison know that he would be loyal to her and that his eyes weren't wandering to anyone else. He felt confident that she wouldn't go back to James, but with a four-year relationship, you never know.

What if those feelings she had for James came flooding back?

Addison feared the same thing. Megan was beautiful, and Noah was such a kind person, she was afraid that he'd take her back.

Addison only wanted to be with Noah, but she didn't know if it was too soon to tell him that.

It certainly felt like they were a couple, but she didn't want to assume. She'd thought the same thing about James and look where that got her.

But Noah is nothing like James, she tried to remind herself.

"When do you want to go get your things?" Noah asked.

Addison contemplated. Ideally, they'd do it when James wasn't home. She was sure he'd changed his locks by now, but if not she did have a set.

"Maybe I could text him and ask if I could come over sometime when he isn't there?" Although she definitely didn't want to talk to him, she wanted to see him even less.

Noah furrowed his brow. He didn't like the idea of her talking to James at all. He'd rather just do it himself. Which reminded him that he hadn't spoken to James since Addison found James and Megan in bed together.

When everything first happened Noah thought about what he would say to James. How he'd cuss him out and call him a low life for doing this to his best friend. He thought he'd scream at James and tell him how much it hurt that he and Megan could do such a thing behind his back and act so normal to his face.

But now that he thought about it, he realized that he wasn't so mad anymore, wasn't so devastated. Megan and James had done Noah a favor. Of course, he'd still never forgive them or have relationships with them again, but in a way, it was the best thing that ever happened to him.

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