Business Trip (7) ✔️

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Song: Murders - Slowed
By: Miracle Musical

After that...event in the shower, we finished getting cleaned up then got out.
He wrapped his towel around his waist, hanging low, low enough for me to see his V-line.

I know we just showered together, but I didn't get a look at know.

"You're staring." he said smirking as he handed me a towel.
"Thank you." I said, wrapping it around my body.

I turned to face the mirror and so did he, he stood tall behind me.
He leaned over, placing a soft kiss on my neck, sending shivers down my spin.

"L-Luca?" I stuttered as he ran his hands up and down my arms.
He gave me a hum in response.

"What..uhm..what does this mean?" I asked, meeting his gaze through the mirror.

"What does what mean, darling?" I blushed at the new nick name.

" we just did-"

"Me making you cum, you mean?" He said devilishly into my ear, causing my cheeks to heat up.


He smirked, "It can mean whatever we want it to mean, life doesn't need labels, amor."

He kissed the back of my neck before exiting the bathroom and walking down the hall to his bedroom. I followed shortly after.

His bedroom had the most gorgeous white and black interior.

"I'm sorry I don't have any of your clothes," he said as he walked into the walk in closet. "But here.. you can wear my shorts and hoodie." He finished, coming back out of the closet in black dress pants and a white button up, laying the shorts and hoodie on the bed next to me.

"Thank you." I nodded.

He sat on the bed next to me and stroked my hair, "Are you okay? was the stuff in the bathroom too much?"

I'm happy he cared about me...but I don't want this.

"Luca, please...I don't want your pity. I'm okay, I'm on my meds. I'm okay. Remember you promised not to pity me if I let you in?"

He sighed before speaking, "Yes." he smiled a sad smile before getting up.

"I have a Business trip to attend, I would've told you sooner but I just found out last night. I'm flying to Rome this afternoon, I'll land there late tonight and I'll be back In two days." he said in a bit of a monotone.

"Why are you going on such short notice?" I questioned. He frowned for a moment before responding. "Nothing you need to worry about, darling."

"Now get dressed, we must be going." He said, leaving the room.

"Luca!" I called. "Do I have to go back home this weekend? I uhm don't really want to face Jo...and I-"

"Hey," he cut me off and walked closer to me, "you don't have to go home, my place will always be open to you. but you have to promise me that you'll speak to Jo."

"I promise."

"Okay..well get dressed, then we'll stop back at your apartment, pick up a few things for the weekend..I'll drive you back here then I'm off." He told me, kissing my forehead and walking out.

I've known Luca for coming up on a week now, such a short amount of time to feel so close to somebody. He intrigues me, I want to know more about him, I have so many questions to ask.

"C'mon amor." he said, knocking on the door.

I quickly pulled on the shorts and hoodie before walking out to the dinning room.


I hummed back. He intertwined our fingers as we made our way out of the penthouse and into a black car parked outside.

He opened the door for me before walking around and getting in the car himself.
What a gentleman.

He roared the car to life before putting on the radio, 'Heart Shaped Box' by Nirvana played and he hummed along.

As we pulled up to the apartment I noticed Jo's black motorcycle parked close by. Why the fuck is she home?

"Fuck." I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Everything okay?" Luca, asked as he parked the car.

"Fucking Josephine's here." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes?"

"Yes." I scoffed.

"Don't do it again. I thought you were a good girl.." he smirked, causing my face to go red in embarrassment.
"Now go in, talk to Josephine, and get some of your things. ?"

I nodded before opening the door and heading towards my building.

{ Luca PoV }

I watched as she walked towards her apartment, then diapered inside.
I knew what I just said to her could be risky but if we wanted this to go further, she had to know what she's getting into.
I'm gonna have to tell her about my other life soon, and i'm dreading it. It's not fucking fair to her.
Just then my phone rang.

"¿Hola? sí, este es Lucalius. ¡¿Qué diablos quieres decir con que lo mataron ?! Estoy seguro de que espero que los Vincitori's sepan lo que viene."

Translation: "Hello? yes this is Lucalius. What the fuck do you mean they killed him?! I sure as shit hope the Vincitori's know whats coming."

I said, hanging up the phone.
To say I was fucking pissed, was an under statement.

I'm the leader of the best fucking mafia in Spain, "The Pecados" I'm running business in the states with my most trusted team.

I owed Micheal Rossi, the leader of the di Dio, the most powerful mafia in Italy, a favor. His team and mine had an attack planned on The Vincitori's, a smaller, and more pathetic (if you asked me), Italian mafia. We wanted revenge on the Vincitori's for the surprise bombing of a Mafia meeting, killing half of my men and half of Micheal's.

Before we could act on the attack against them, The Vincitori's acted first. They attacked Michael's home, killing his brother. They must of known we planned our attack, somehow a fucking step ahead.

This meant war.

I had to meet with Micheal asap.


Sorry if this seems short!

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