17. The Forced Kiss

Start from the beginning

As I lay there lifelessly, my mind drifts off to Blake. My subconscious begs for Blake to be here. It's not like I would ever want him to be near me, but for a fact, if he would have been here then nobody would have dared to do this. But then again, it's all happening because of him in the very first place. I want him to be here but at the same time, I don't want him. What the hell is going on with me?

I jump out of my thoughts as his hands slide down my body and rubs my bare thigh. I feel disgusted at every inch of my skin where his hands' touch. He breaks the kiss, finally letting me suck in some amount of air but soon smash his lips onto mine once again. His hands trail the sides of my thighs and slowly make their way up. I start struggling into his grip as his hands slowly start reaching my core. He gives a tight squeeze on the inside of my right thigh making me whimper in pain. He breaks the kiss and starts trailing wet-sloppy kisses down my neck. His lips suck and kiss my collarbone, while his tongue twirls every now and then. He digs his teeth deeper into my flesh, surely leaving marks behind. I scream in pain but he shuts it by his lips.

"I will come back for you soon. Wait for me." He says it before disappearing into thin air.

My body aches, my eyes feel tired from all the crying. I am unable to feel my lips and my neck hurts like hell. My head starts spinning and with one tear sliding down the sides of my face, my eyes close.

Blake's POV:

"You all deserve to die" I yell as I look at all the twelve bodies bathed into blood, standing and tied up in front of me.

Placing the finger on the pliers I crush their fingers one after another. Their screams echo into the room but my ears aren't satisfied yet. I grab the knife and with one jab I stab their thigh. Some beg for their life and some already look like a corpse.

"You all have brought this upon yourself." I groan and kick one of them at his stomach.

"Don't you all dare to die so early. This is just the beginning." I say and walk towards the table full of tools. I trail my fingers over pliers, pruning spear, different sizes of knives, blades...
My fingers stop at the hammer. My lips curl upwards whereas their face looks terrified. I pick the hammer up and walk towards the first guy in line.

I take a good look at him as I think about where to hit him first. I grip the hammer harder and hit him right at his knee. His knees buckle but the chains on his hands keep him in place. His face distorts, as he screams in agony. His legs quiver. I am sure I broke the patella(knee bone). I glance at the other guys, all looking terrified, their face looks as if they have seen a ghost.

"Remember, you are not allowed to die," I say as I walk up to the next guy.
His body starts trembling as I stop in front of him. I eye him up and down and walk past him and then stop in front of another guy.

"Please don't kill me, I have a wife and..."

I cut him off and hit him right on his left leg. I don't bother to look at him and I move forward. The room is already filled with cries and screams but I want more. I will break each and every bone in their body and then kill them slowly. I hit around five more guys with a hammer before moving towards the table to get the reverse tanto.

 I hit around five more guys with a hammer before moving towards the table to get the reverse tanto

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(This is the reverse tanto in case you didn't know)

I pick it up and walk towards the remaining guys on whom the hammer wasn't used.

I grab his hands and rip his sleeves open with the pointed blade of the knife.
His hands are now clearly visible to me. I look into his brown bloodshot eyes. And dig the knife into his forearm and start carving the letters.

"'S' repeat after me you asshole."

"S-s... Aaahhh" He screams as I dig the blade deeper. I dig the blade not so deep as I do not want to cut open his deep blood vessels and let him die such an easy death.

"O, repeat," I order.

"O-o...aahhhhhh, p-plea..."

"R, repeat."


"R, repeat"




I dig the blade deeper and his screams amplify.

"Now tell me what did I write on your hand?" I ask him in amusement as I look at the blood dripping from his hand onto the floor.

"S-sorry." He stutters while his body trembles.

Once I finish doing the same to all the remaining guys, I call the doctor and ask him to take just enough care of them, so that they don't die. I am not done with them yet.

"Enough for today, let's meet tomorrow again. Stay healthy okay guys." I wink at them before I walk out of the room.

I close the door and walk towards another room which is in the far corner of the corridor. I stand right in front of the door and take a deep breath before opening it.

My eyes linger around the room which consists of a table full of tools, a dim lamp, and a chair to which he is tied. His bare body was tied to the chair with bandages wrapped around his abdomen. His eyes are swollen and so are his lips. There are bruises all over his face, and chest. His hands are covered by cuts and scars.

I hold my emotions back. I try to maintain my stern face. I have never imagined that I would ever have to do this. I pull out my pistol from my back and press the muzzle on his head. He looks up at me with tear-filled bloodshot eyes.

"Die...Andrew." A tear slides down my face as I close my eyes. I pull the trigger.



So guys how was this chapter? I know it was short. But it took a lot of time for me to write it. I hope it was good enough.

What will happen, next guys? Can you guess?
Stay tuned to know what exactly happens 😉 It will be out soon.

And thank you so much for your support!
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